Genre Skills
Text Feature Skills
Words Skills
Comprehension Skills
Grammar Skills

What kind of text gives you true facts and information about a topic?

A. Fiction

B. Expository Text

B. Expository Text


What is the difference between an illustration and a photograph?

An illustration is a drawing. A photograph is taken by a camera.


Which part of the word below is the prefix?


1.) re

2.) tell

1.) re-


What is the main idea or lesson that an author wants you to learn from a story?

A. The setting

B.) The theme

B.) The Theme


Is the word below singular or plural?


A.) singular

B. Plural

B.) Plural


Is the below poem a rhyming poem or free verse?

Now We Are Six

When I was One,
I had just begun.
When I was Two,
I was nearly new.
When I was Three
I was hardly me.
When I was Four,
I was not much more.
When I was Five,
I was just alive.
But now I am Six,
I'm as clever as clever,
So I think I'll be six now for ever and ever.

A. A. Milne More A. A. Milne

It's a rhyming poem.


What is the purpose of a map in a text?

It shows where people and places are in relation to each other.


Which part of the word below is the suffix and what does it mean?


1.) un

2.) happy

3.) ly

3.) ly

It means "in a way that is"


Make a prediction of what will happen next in the example below:

"My mom always tells me to be careful when I run. Sometimes I forget to look where I am going. I just run with my eyes closed because I am so excited. Yesterday, something terrible happened. I was running, and I did not see my sister who was carrying her pet goldfish in its bowl. I was running and laughing. Then suddenly.........."

Answers may vary a little.

"I ran right into my sister and she dropped the goldfish bowl on the floor. Water went everywhere and the bowl broke Thankfully, we saved the goldfish and I helped my sister to buy a new bowl."


What is a noun?

A person, place, or _______?



What is rhythm?

(Hint: I had you clap it out in class)

Rhythm is the beats of a poem. It is like the music or flow of a poem. Rhyming poems have rhythm.


Tell me about captions. What is a caption and what does it do?

A caption is the group of words nearby a picture. It describes the picture.


Give me an example of a simile.

Her face was as shiny as a star.

His hair was smooth like rabbit fur.


Why is the reading skill of "rereading" a story important to learn and use?

You reread a story to make sure you understand all of it clearly. You can also catch more details the second time you read it.


What is the correct way to rewrite this sentence using a possessive noun and an apostrophe?

"That is the chair that belongs to my teacher."

That is my teacher's chair.


What are the two important elements of historical fiction?

1.) It's a made up story.

2.) It's set in a real time in history.


What is the difference between a heading and a subheading?

A heading is the main title of a text. Subheading are the smaller sections in a text.


What is the difference between a digraph and a blend?

Digraph example: cheese

Blend example: stamp

A digraph is two letters that work together to make one sound. A blend is two or three letters that work together, but they each make their own sound.


If a narrator tells a story as one of the characters inside the story, which point of view is it?

A.) First person

B.) Second person

C. Third person

A.) First person point of view


What is the difference between a common noun and a proper noun? Give me an example.

A common noun is a general noun, like "building," "woman," or "street." 

A proper noun is a specific noun like "The Smith Hospital," "Teacher Lin," or "Park Street."


What literary element is used in this poem?

(You can look it up in your class notes if you have them with you.)

"Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers.

A peck of pickled peppers Peter Piper picked.

If Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers,

Where's the peck of pickled peppers Peter Piper picked?"



Tell me all about diagrams and labels. What is their purpose?

(Hint, you'll see lots of diagrams of human and animal bodies in science or health class.)

A diagram is a picture that shows all the parts of something.

Labels are each of the different parts that the diagram shows.


Explain to me the reason we study root words, suffixes, and prefixes. Why are they important in English? How are they like Legos?

Root words, suffixes, and prefixes are the foundations of the English language. If you study them, you can make an accurate guess about words that you don't know.

They are like Legos because they build on each other like Lego blocks.


Describe a situation of cause and effect to me.

Answers will vary.


Fix all the errors in these sentences. Also, add  apostrophes where they should go.

"i went to new york city when i lived in america. was really big! my friend, jason, told me all about the citys history. jasons dad is a history teacher, but he knows a lot about history."

went to New York City when I lived in America. It was really big! My friend, Jason, told me all about the city's history. Jason's dad is a history teacher, so he knows a lot about history.