Text Feature Skills
Vocabulary Skills
Reading Comprehension Skills
Writing Skills
Genre Skills

                        What is this called?

A map


What is the root word in the following word?




     What is the poet's point of view about Steve?



His point of view is that Superhero Steve has a scary smile, yucky smelling breath, stinky feet and armpits, and disgusting burps. His opinion about Steve is negative.


What is the first word of a paragraph called, and why is it important?

topic sentence

It tells you what the paragraph will be about.


What is the difference between fiction and nonfiction?

Fiction is a made up story. Nonfiction is something that is true.


What is the difference between these pictures?

The first picture is a photograph. The second and third pictures are illustrations.


What is the prefix in the following word? What does the prefix mean



It means--not.


              What is the point of view of the poet?

He's thankful that his nose is on his face!


What is the last sentence in a paragraph called, and why is it important?

The conclusion

It tells the reader that you are finishing your paragraph and reminds the reader what it was about.


What are the elements of a folktale?

1.) It's fiction.

2.) It's usually about talking animals.

3.) It always teaches a lesson at the end for children.


 Explain what we learn from this chart (or graph).

We learn about what different people had to say about their favorite type of fruit. The most popular fruit was blueberries. The least favorite fruit was grapes.


Use sentence clues (context clues) to help you figure out what the word in bold means.

The eye-catching young man proudly walked into the room. His ocean blue eyes, shiny black hair, and strong arms made my heart beat faster.



        What am I doing with this Venn diagram?     


I am comparing and contrasting between the two types of cats.


Why do we have to have at least three details in our paragraphs?

If we don't have enough details, the story will be incomplete and unclear.


What is the difference between realistic fiction and a fairy tale?

A fairy tale is a made up story that couldn't happen. Realistic fiction is a made up story that could happen in real life.


Explain how a sidebar in a story helps a reader understand the story.


A sidebar gives extra details or instructions about the topic. 


What is a multiple meaning word? Give me an example of one.

A multiple meaning word is a word that has more than one meaning. Here are a few examples: fly, bat, and ring.


What is cause and effect?

Give me an example of each of them.

Cause: The boy was running and not watching where he was going.

Effect: So, he didn't see the tree. He ran directly into the tree with his nose.


Give me three examples of sequence words and tell my why they are so important.

In the beginning, first, next, then, later, finally, in conclusion...etc.

They are important because they tell you about the time order of the story. Without them, your story will be confusing.


What is the difference between expository text and narrative nonfiction?

Expository text is details and facts about a topic. It usually uses lots of text features. Narrative nonfiction is a true story with characters, a setting, and a plot.


                  What is this text feature called?

It's a diagram.


What is the difference between a metaphor and a simile?

Create a metaphor and a simile to replace this description:

"The baby was really fat."

A simile compares two things using "like" or "as."

A metaphor compares two things, but it does not use "like" or "as." It is stronger than a simile.

Simile: The baby was like fluffy bread dough.

Metaphor: The baby was fluffy bread dough.


               What is the theme of this poem?

The theme is that the little boy's effort to make the tooth come out faster did not help. It was best when he waited patiently for it to come out on its own. Sometimes, it's best when we learn to just wait for good things.


Describe for me at least four elements of an excellent paragraph.

Topic sentence, three detail sentences, conclusion sentence, sequence words, indentation, good grammar, colorful word choice...etc.


Explain to me the difference between free verse poetry and rhyming poetry.

Free verse poetry is like the kid at the playground who won't follow the rules. It doesn't usually rhyme. It doesn't have rhythm. It expresses feelings or tells a story.

A rhyming poem expresses feelings or tells a story, but it also follows a consistent rhyming pattern and has a rhythm.