What's that word mean??
Abbreviate it!
Get to the "root" of it!
Common, Proper!
How many are there?
My watch needs a new battery. What is the meaning of watch? to look at OR something used to tell time
What is something used to tell time
Mister Jesse is our school custodian. Which word can be abbreviated?
What is Mister (Mr.)
What is the meaning of the the word "rework"?
What is to work again
Which word is proper? popcorn water MM's candy
What is MM's
How do you make "wolf" plural?
What is wolves
Please pick up all of your toys and put them in the chest. What does chest mean? A part of your body OR an item to store something in
What is an item to store something in
My birthday party is next weekend, December 6. What is the abbreviation of December?
What is Dec.
What does the word "hopeful" mean?
What is full of hope
Which word is common? Hoot owl September Kroger
What is owl
Identify the plural noun in this sentence: She ate two sandwiches without sharing.
What is sandwiches
You will get in trouble if you punch someone. What does punch mean? A fruity drink served at parties OR to hit someone hard
What is to hit someone hard
I wrote the date on the board as Wed. Nov. 12, 2014. What are the two words being abbreviated in the sentence?
What is Wed. (Wednesday) and Nov. (November)
What suffix is needed to identify something that happened in the past?
What is -ed
Identify the common nouns in this sentence: I had a sandwich, chips, and apple for lunch.
What is sandwich, chips, apple, lunch, I
How do you make "candy" plural?
What is candies
My family took a trip to New York City. What does trip mean?
What is to go on vacation; to go somewhere.
Dr. Ralph took care of me when I was sick last week. What word does the abbreviation Dr. represent?
What is Doctor
What is the root word and affix for "not available"?
What is unavailable
Identify the common noun in this sentence: The book is called "The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane."
What is book
Which word is plural in this sentence? Ms. Baggett has three drinks with her every morning.
What is drinks
Joe had to duck under the table to hide. What does duck mean?
What is to bend over.
I live at 432 Maple Street in Smyrna, Tennessee. What two words can be abbreviated? What are those words' abbreviations?
What is Street and Tennessee (St. and TN.)
What does the word "sadly" mean?
What is in a sad way
What is the proper noun in this sentence? Target sells black dresses and shiny shoes.
What is Target
Make the following words plural: fox, peach, lizard, toy, fry (You must spell the plural forms correctly!!)
What is foxes, peaches, lizards, toys, fries