Text Set 1
Text Set 2
Text Set 3

A word or phrase that means the opposite of the unfamiliar word.

What is an antonym? 


Examples include how geckos can walk upside down, how diseases are caused, and what makes a snowflake unique. 

What can you discover when you look closely at something?


Examples include donating vegetables from your garden, making someone a present, or throwing a surprise birthday party.

In what ways can people show they care about each other?


Examples include learning about communication, comparing how lives were like before modern times, and understanding evidence of early government. 

How can learning about the past help you understand the present?

A word that describes a noun or pronoun. They are sometimes capital depending on their importance.

What is an adjective?


Words that sound the same but have different spellings and meanings. 

What are homophones?

A genre of text that tells a reader about a topic. This usually contains text features and is organized with a text structure. 

What is expository text?


A genre of text that is made up but could happen in real life. This genre has realistic characters, settings, and dialogue.

What is realistic fiction?


A text feature that contains additional information and helps the reader better understand the main text.

What is a sidebar?


A special type of adjective. Examples include a, an, and the. 

What is an article?


Well-known phrases that have a specific figurative meaning in a certain language. It would help if you did not consider the literal meanings of words in this definition. 

What are idioms?


A text structure that presents information and events in time order. Signal words include first, next, then, and finally. This may also include dates and times of events. 

What is chronology?


A part of the plot that has a problem that needs to be resolved.

What is the conflict?


A text feature that shows a specific geographical area and helps the reader understand where events take place.

What is a map?


Adjectives that compare two things are called ______ while adjectives that compare more than two things are called ______.

What are comparative adjectives and superlative adjectives? 


Words or phrases that compare one thing to another unlike thing. Sometimes these contain "like" or "as" and sometimes they are direct. 

What are similies and metaphors?


A reading comprehension skill where you put the most important ideas or information of a text into your own words. 

What is a summary?


This part of the plot gives readers clues about events that will happen later in the story.

What is foreshadowing?


An element of a text feature that shows which symbol might be in a town. 

What is a map key?


Add ______ for adjectives with two or more syllables and add _______ to compare more than two nouns. 

What is more and most?


Sayings that have been used for a long time and express a great truth. 

What are proverbs and adages? 


These TWO text features help illustrate information in a text and help explain or add additional information. 

What are photographs and captions?


A part of the story arc where what the character says, his or her actions, and how she responds to other characters and events. 

What is character development?


An element of a text feature that shows the measurement readers can use the find the distance between two locations. 

What is a map scale?


The adjective good becomes ____ when comparing two nouns and ____ when comparing more than two. 

The adjective bad becomes _____ when comparing two nouns and _____ when comparing more than two.

What is better and best?

What is worse and worst?