What to do with the remainder?!
Mixed Numbers and Improper Fractions
Adding/ Subtracting Fractions with Unlike Denominators
Equivalent Fractions
Divide 4068 and 12
What is 339
Hal has 215 hats and wants to put them up on shelves. Each shelf will only hold 9 hats. How many hats does Hal need?
What is 24 shelves
Change 33/4 into a mixed number
What is 8 1/4
Add 5/6 and 4/9
What is 23/18
Write two equivalent fractions of 3/6
Mark and Nancy have 10,076 tomato seeds. They want to equally put them into 22 baggies. How many seeds go into each bag?
What is 458 seeds
Charles made 108 ounces of grape juice. How many 7-ounce glasses can he fill?
What is 15 glasses
Change 5 3/9 to an improper fraction.
What is 48/9
During their free time, 3/6 of Mr. Bugaloo's class likes to paint and 8/12 of them like to play instruments. How many more students like to play instruments than paint?
What is 1/6 of the students
Which fraction is not equivalent to 4/5? 16/20, 40/50, 15/20 or 20/25?
What is 15/20
Mrs. Partridge baked 910 cookies for our fourth grade. There are 65 students in the fourth grade. How many cookes will each student receive?
What is 14 cookies.
Babu has 33 marbles and wants to put them in cups. Each cup can only hold 4 marbels. How many full cups with Babu have?
What is 8
If Hubba has 1/7 of his candy bar left and Bubba has 5/6 of his left, how much do they have left together?
What is 41/42
Find the sum of 5/6 and 1/12
What is 11/12
Is 20/100 equivalent to 1/5? Why or why not?
What is Yes, the simplest form of 20/100 is 1/5; that means it is equivalent
Divide 45,289 and 19
What is 2,383 R 12
Gumby has 456 beads. He wants to put them into baggies. Only 11 beads can fit in a baggies. How many baggies does he need?
What is 42
Hoop has 1 3/4 pizzas to eat. His brother Scoop has 2 5/6 pizzas left. How much pizza do they have altogether.
What is 3 19/12
Find 16 1/4 + 4 3/6 (simplify)
What is 20 3/4
Here is a set of numbers: 2, 4, 3, 2, 5, 6, 6, 8, 7. What fraction of the numbers is even? (Simplest Form)
What is 2/3
Ms. Waxler bakes 1,430 cookies, and each student gets an equal amount. Ms. Smith's class (26 students) has 1,248 cookies and each student gets an equal amount. Which class of students gets a larger amount of cookies and by how much?
What is Ms. Waxler's class and 23 more cookies.
Will Smith has 457 pairs of shoes and needs to put them into boxes because he is moving to Oklahoma. 5 pairs will fit in a box. How many boxes does he need? AND WHY??
What is 92...explain
Hoop and Scoop are eating cupcakes. Hoop has 5 3/5 cupcakes left and Scoop 3 2/3 left. How many do they have altogether? Put your answer in an improper fraction.
What is 139/15
Geraldo has 5 3/9 of his apple pie left. Marble has 8 1/6 left. How much more does Marble have than Geraldo? Simplify your answer
What is 2 5/6
Scoop has 25 math problems for homework. He has finished 15 problems. In simplest form, what fraction of Scoop's homework is finished?
What is 3/5