Tastes like Home
Family Lore
Guys & Dolls
We Gather Together
Family Tree

Whether hand-crank or electric, this dessert was often made for family gatherings

What is homemade ice cream?


This magic word unleashed Grandpa's tickle monster.

What is "Horsefeathers"?


He was so much a part of the family, his paw was featured alongside everyone's handprints on the 60th Anniversary quilt.

Who is Dean's dog Woody?


It's a "running" tradition for this game to make an appearance at nearly every Woodbury "group" event.

What is progressive rummy?


On December 12, 1934 Max & Ellen Stout Woodbury were sealed as a forever family here.

What is the St. George Temple?


Both of these fruits could be had for the picking in Grandpa's & Grandma's Provo backyard

What are raspberries & apricots?


At age 80 Ellen made (family) history by doing this in Hawaii.

What is parasailing?


These sisters looked enough alike that one was mistaken for the bride and kissed by a groom's relative at the wedding.

Who are Mona & Dee?


This happy occasion prompted a family photo that was not updated until decades later at Max & Ellen's Provo home.

What was Clair & JoLee's wedding?


This family of 10 children (born between the years of 1894-1920) has 6 boys & 4 girls. 8 of them lived to adulthood.

Who is Max's family? {or the family of Arthur Hartley & Harriet Pickett Woodbury} (sibling order = BBGBGGBBGB)


This heavenly confection is also known as "Patience".

What is Divinity?


Having this in a certain appendage "prevented" Grandpa from coming at his grandchildren's beck & call

What is a bone in his leg?


Ellen tied this child to a tree to prevent stripping naked before the school bus passed by.

Who is Art?


The waterslide at this resort made it a popular reunion location 4 different years.

What is Palisade Lodge (Sterling, UT)?


The names of Ellen's sisters (minus their baby half-sister Ruth)

Who are Fern, Norma, & Elva?


Your dentist might caution you about eating this (Grandma's signature confection).

What is Molasses (or Sorghum) Candy? 


Max & Ellen's legendary hilarious anecdote involved a feline & this odiferous substance 

What is turpentine?


Name 3 of the six locations where the children of Max & Ellen served missions.

Great Britain (England/Wales), Brazil, Mexico, Chile, Sacramento CA, Independence MO


The hiatus between Grandpa Max's last reunion and the resumption of annual Woodbury reunions was this many years.

What is 10 years? (2002-2012)


These occupations are listed in the 1930 Census for Arthur H Woodbury and Ellen I[sabella] Thurston (recorded consecutively; both households lived on Main Street, La Verkin).

What are Farmer and Postal Clerk?


The red fruit punch powder sold by this company (for whom Uncle Paul drove) was often served at family gatherings (& made the best blender slush drinks!)

What is Farmer Brothers?


While hunting with Max, Ellen did this, preventing a time-saving leap over a cliff.

What is held onto the deer's hind feet?


His sister Dee sewed him a Davy Crockett costume complete with "coonskin" cap made from his mother's fur collar.

Who is Clair?


These 3 colors signified generations on the 1990 Woodbury Family Tree t-shirt.

What are Neon Orange (original 12 + spouses), Green (grandchildren + spouses), & Blue (great-grandchildren + spouse)?


Explain our genealogical connection to Utah's infamous bank & train robber.

What is:
Butch =grandson of Robert Parker + Ann Ruth Hartley (Max's great-grandparents).

Butch =nephew of Martha Alice Parker Woodbury (Max's paternal grandmother)

Butch =first cousin of Arthur Hartley Woodbury (Max's father)