Health and Safety
Know the Role
Wild Card
A required form employees sign in order to acknowledge they have read school board policies regarding the use of technology.
What is the Acceptable Use of Technology Acknowledgment Form?
This is a resource that covers precautions for NSD employees regarding touching, talking, writing and activities when working with students.
What is The Safe Interaction with Students brochure?
These are the days dedicated for staff meetings.
What is the 1st and 3rd Tuesday of each month?
Contact this person if you need assistance with translating a document or have questions family outreach.
Who is Maria Cisneros? (Family Outreach)
To honor former principal, Jill Crivello, the staff did this on picture day.
What is wear all black?
Because Woodin Elementary is in the Woodenville Pathway, this individual is our district assigned "Tech Lead".
Who is Pete Conners?
These people must directly report to Child Protective Services or a Law Enforcement Agency at the first opportunity but in no case longer than 48 hours after there is reasonable cause to believe the child has suffered abuse and/or neglect.
Who are all certificated staff (including administrators) and registered nurses?
These items must be carried by the teachers on all field trips.
What is the permission slip, first aid kit, and student medication?
This individual is taking an active role in leading student support and social groups.
Who is Kristie Elder?
In 1959, our new Superintendent (Dr. Michelle Reid) was born. This is also the same year as this significant event.
What is the consolidation of the North Shore School District?
This is the official district student attendance record keeping system.
What is Synergy SIS?
This is a legal document that details a child's medical conditions and needs.
What is a 504 Plan? (Check with Nurse Deb)
Students arriving between these times must go directly to the playground.
What is between 8:20 and 8:35?
If you have questions regarding Hi-Cap, contact this person.
Who is Brian Matthias?
This item is strategically missing from Dawn's office.
What is a trash can?
Parents who do not want their child(ren) to have access and use the Internet must sign and return one of these.
What is the district opt out form? (Remember...All or nothing!)
Board Policy 3207 and Procedure 3207P defines and details actions to prevent this act.
What is bullying?
This team of educators can serve as an important resource if you have academic or social concerns about a student.
What is the Guidance team?
If you teach K, 1st, 3rd, or 4th grade, this individual will be your direct supervisor.
Who is Dawn?
This handy advice is always given to new staff members.
What is "Don't drink the water"?
This is a streamlined resource Northshore School District provides for employees who may have technical questions or just want to read a great blog about all things tech.
What is Technology KnowledgeBase (
This may never be used as rewards for academic performance or good behavior.
What is food?
We will have our first official staff meeting on this day.
When is Wednesday, September 7, 8:00-8:30?
Contact this district person is you have field trip questions.
Who is Evie Shoeman?
Woodin Elementary was built in this fine year.
What is 1970?