Three things students like to do at recess.
What is: Gaga ball, soccer, tag, etc?
The past tense of speak.
What is spoke?
The plural of mouse.
What is mice?
1 way to describe a polar bear.
What is cute/white/big, etc?
Something you can say to a friend who is sad.
"Are you ok?" "I'm sorry." "It will be ok."
Official school color.
What is green?
The past tense of take.
What is took?
The plural of tooth.
What is teeth?
2 ways to describe an icicle.
What is pointy/long/cold/shiny, etc?
A way to get to know a friend better.
What is: asking questions or hanging out/spending time with that person
Be WES - Woodland students are...
The past tense of buy.
What is bought?
The plural of man.
What is men?
3 ways to describe snow.
What is white/cold/fluffy/wet/frozen/sparkly, etc?
An expected behavior in the classroom.
What is: listening? raising your hand? etc.
Woodland's principal.
Who is Mr. McGovern?
The past tense of sneak.
What is snuck?
The plural of woman.
What is women?
4 ways to describe a blanket.
What is warm/soft/cozy/square-shaped/colorful, etc.?
A hidden rule for behavior out in the hallway.
What is: walking? quiet voices? keeping our hands to ourselves? Walking on the right side of the hall?
Woodland's 3 Assistant Principals.
Who are Ms. Church, Ms. Pivonka, and Mr. Wood?
Past tense of write.
What is wrote?
The plural of child.
What is children?
5 ways to describe hot chocolate.
What is sweet/hot/delicious/brown/tasty/for drinking/found in a mug, etc.
2 hidden rules for dismissal.
Wait is: Wait to hear your bus called/Walk (don't run) out of the school/Wait in line to get on the bus, etc.