At The Table
Helping Others
When We Talk
Camping and Outdoor Games
Throughout the Day

Don't do this while your mouth is full of food.

What is talk? 


Your friend is cold and has no jacket, and you have both a coat and a sweatshirt. You should...

What is share your coat or sweatshirt.


Two words to use frequently when interacting with others.

What are "Please and Thank You"

Do this if your team wins when playing a game.

What is encourage the other team and thank them for a game well-played.


When you are introduced to someone and they hold out their hand to you, you should...

What is shake their hand and introduce yourself.


Do this quietly, and only if you must.

What is burp?


Do this if you are approaching a door and notice that someone else is approaching the door close behind you.

What is hold the door open and allow the other person to enter first.

Say this when someone complements you.

What is "Thank You".


Don't do this if you are eating a snack outdoors and squirrels come near. 

What is feed the squirrels.


If you are in a classroom, the teacher is teaching, and you see from the clock that the class is about to end, you should...

What is continue to pay attention to the teacher.


Do this when you have received your food, but others eating with you have not.

What is wait patiently for everyone to receive their food before eating.


Do this if you see someone carrying too much.

What is politely offer to help?


You make a mistake that affects others.  You should...

What is say "I'm sorry."


When you see trash on the ground, do this.

What is pick it up and throw it away?

After you've used the bathroom, you should do this before you leave the bathroom.

What is wash your hands?


Do this with your mouth when eating.

What is chew with your mouth closed?


Do this when your dad or mom asks you do to something.

What is listen carefully to their instructions, and obey cheerfully.


Don't do this when someone else is talking and you think of something that you would like to say.

What is interrupt?


Do this if your team loses when playing a game.

What is "encourage others on your team, and congratulate the winners."


Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.

What is the Golden Rule?


When you are finished with your meal, you should do this.

What is ask to be excused?

Your dad is working on the car and asks for your help.  You could help him and learn about car repair by doing this.

What is handing him tools when he asks.


Do this with your eyes when speaking to another person.

What is make eye contact?


Do this with the campfire before leaving.

What is put the campfire out completely!


When you are invited to an event, you should do this.

What is arrive on time?