Roaring 20s to New Deal
WW 2 and Cold War
1960s and Social Movements
Modern Politics
1. This amendment prohibited the sale, distribution and consumption of alcohol. 2. What movement that began in the 1800s began the push for that 3. This amendment gave women the right to vote (suffrage).
What is 1. 18th 2. Temperance 3. 19th
1. The spread of Communism in Asia prompted intense fears, anxieties and episodes of paranoia in the US 2. His statements about alleged communist infiltration of the U.S. government and the U.S. Army, led to civil rights violations of those who were suspected of having communist ties. 3. Created in 1938 to investigate alleged disloyalty and subversive activities
What is 1. Second Red Scare 2. Joseph McCarthy 3. HUAC (House Un-American Activities Committee)
1. Their leader was César Chávez, an American of Mexican descent who grew up picking crops in California and led nonviolent protests for better wages and working conditions. 2. founded in 1966 to promote equal rights and opportunities for America’s women. goals included equality in employment, political and social equality, and the passage of the equal rights amendment. 3. The book that launched the modern feminist movemt
What is 1. United Farm Workers 2. National Organization for Women (NOW) 3. Feminine Mystique
1. brought Mexico into a free-trade (tariff-free) zone already existing between the United States and Canada. 2. The second president in U.S. history to suffer impeachment. The House of Representatives charged him with perjury and obstruction of justice. The Senate acquitted him.
What is 1. NAFTA (North American Free Trade Agreement) 2. Bill Clinton
1. based on a single-party government ruled by a dictator, no private ownership and all means are production are controlled 2. The second stage of the Russian Revolution in Nov 1917 when Lenin seized power and est. a communist state. 3. Period of intense anti-communism at home, beginning in 1919-1920
What is 1. Communism 2. Bolshevik Revolution 3. 1st Red Scare Led to nativist feelings, immigration quotas and rooting out"subversives"
1. This policy was a determination to stop the spread of communism and was the basis for many U.S. foreign policy decisions during the Cold War. 2. Stated that the United States would supply any nation with economic and military aid to prevent its falling under the Soviet sphere of influence. 3. United States’ main program for rebuilding Western Europe and opposing communism after World War II. The plan was put into action in July 1947 and led to $13 billion in aid 4. First peacetime military alliance in US history, with non-communist nations of western Europe
What is 1. Containment 2. Truman Doctrine 3. Marshall Plan 4. NATO
1. Book by Rachel Carson that started the modern environmentalist movement, led to the Water Quality Act of 1965 2. This was first celebrated in 1970 to raise awareness of environmental issues and is still celebrated 3. Est. by the Nixon admin in 1970, set limits on pollution, to conduct environmental research, and to assist state and local governments in the cleanup of polluted sites.
What is 1. Silent Spring 2. Earth Day 3. EPA
1. The group that carried out the 9/11 attacks, and the worst attack on American soil (nearly 3,000 dead). 2. Who was the leader of that group 3. Who was our president at the time 4. What two countries did the US invade in the ensuing War on Terror
What is 1. al-Qaeda 2. Osama bin Laden 3. George W. Bush 4. Afghanistan and Iraq
WW 2 Battles: 1. U.S. Navy won a sea battle against the Japanese navy that was a turning point in World War II, destroyed destroyed four Japanese aircraft carriers 2. Allied invasion of Nazi-occupied France. It remains the largest amphibious invasion in history 3. Last blow to the Axis powers in Europe as the Russians captured a key city.
What is 1. Midway 2. D-Day 3. Fall of Berlin
1. Refers to the movement of African Americans from the Jim Crow South to the N/W/MW for a variety of reasons 2. Creative outpouring among African American artists and writers that advocated for the "New Negro" in the US 3. Name the poet who was the leading literary voice of the movement 4. What was the musical style known for improv. that is also associated with this movement 5. The trumpeteer who was among the most responsible for popularizing this new genre of music
What is 1. Great Migration 2. Harlem Renaissance 3. Langston Hughes 4. Jazz 5. Louis Armstrong
1. Passed in 1935, '36 an '37 that aimed to prevent US intervention in another European war. 2. Policy of Great Britain and France that gave concessions to an aggressor in order to prevent war 3. During the Battle for Britain, Congress passed this which allowed the sale of an unlimited amount munitions to anyone defending themselves against the Axis powers 4. Name a totalitarian or militaristic aggressors that helped to start WW 2 5. Name an areas or countries that person invaded prior to WW 2's official beginning in 1939
What is 1. Neutrality Acts 2. Appeasement 3. Lend Lease Act 4. Hitler, Stalin, Tojo and Mussolini 5. Tojo: China/Nanking, Mussolini: Ethiopia, Hitler: Sudetenland, Czechoslovakia, Poland (Hitler and Stalin), and Rhineland
1. LBJ's programs proposed in federal legislation that aimed to give all Americans a better standard of living and greater opportunities regardless of their background 2. Provides health insurance for Americans aged 65 and older, Americans with disabilities. 3. social health care program for families and individuals with limited resources.
What is 1. Great Society 2. Medicare 3. Medicaid
1. Jimmy Carter negotiated a peace agreement between the Egyptian president and the Israeli prime minister at Camp David. This was the first time there had been a signed peace agreement between Middle Eastern nations. What was this agreement? 2. This replaced a shah (king) friendly to America with a Muslim religious leader unfriendly to America. 3. When Carter let the Shah enter the US for medical treatment, angry Iranian revolutionaries invaded the U.S. Embassy in Iran and took 52 Americans captive and kept them for 444 days
What is 1. Camp David Accords 2. Iranian Revolution 3. Iranian Hostage Crisis
List 3 key events that took place in 1968
What is 1. Tet Offensive 2. MLK assassination 3. JFK assassination 4. Riots at the Democratic National Convention 5. Nixon elected President
1. List 3 causes of the Great Depression 2. Shantytowns that people moved into after losing their jobs/homes 3. Series of storms on the Great Plains caused by drought and poor farming practices, led to many to lose farms and move west.
What is 1.Overproduction, Underconsumtion, Buying on the margin, speculation, income inequality, overextention of credit, Black Tuesday stock market crash, run on the banks 2. Hoovervilles 3. Dust Bowl
1. What embargo did the US place on Japan for their imperialistic aggression in Asia 2. What military site did the Japanese attack in retaliation 3. US strategy of defeating the Japanese, island by island to get close to an air attack on mainland Japan 4. What created and forcibly moved Japanese-Americans to internment camps 5. Los Alamo, New Mexico was the site of the laboratory where the Atomic bomb was produced, what was the code name of the project and who was the lead sceintist 6. Refered to the end of the war against Japan
What is 1. Oil 2. Pearl Harbor 3. Island Hopping 4. Executive Order No. 9066 5. Manhattan Project, Robert Oppenheimer 6. V-J Day
1. Founded by Martin Luther King Jr. and other ministers and civil rights leaders to carry on nonviolent crusades aimed at increasing voting rights 2. Founded by African American college students to speed up changes mandated by desegregation rulings 3. This tactic challenged segregated resturaunts 4. Challenged segregation laws in public transportation throughout the South 5. More militant movement focused on black pride that #2 turned to 6. Event that featured the "I have a Dream" speech given in front of 250,000 people in 1963
What is 1. SCLC 2. SNCC 3. Sit-Ins 4. Freedom Rides 5. Black Power 6. March on Washington
1. Nixon's policy of using diplomacy with Communist nations to ease tensions. 2. What country did he open diplomatic relationships with 3. This centered on his admins attempt to cover up a burglary of the offices of the Democratic Party. The crime was committed by Nixon’s reelection campaign team, who sought political information. 4. Who became president when he resigned
What is 1. Detente 2. China 3. Watergate Scandal (Nixon won reelection in 1972, but his efforts to cover up the crime soon unraveled and, facing impeachment, he resigned in 1974.) 4. Gerald Ford
Name the following programs: 1. Hired unemployed young men to improve rural, outdoors, environment 2. Tried to raise Ag prices by subsidizing farmers 3. Provided old people with unemployment and insurance 4. Protected the right of labor to organize into unions and collectively bargain 5. Brought cheap electric power, full employment, low-cost housing and environmental improvements
What is (remember Keynesian and deficit spending) 1. CCC 2. AAA 3. SSA 4. Wagner Act 5. TVA Wagner Act: established collective bargaining rights for workers and prohibited such unfair labor practices as intimidating workers, attempting to keep workers from organizing unions, and firing union members. The law also set up a government agency where workers could testify about unfair labor practices and hold elections to decide whether or not to unionize. A TVA: established in 1933 to build dams and power plants along the Tennessee River and its tributarie through seven states. The TVA built dozens of dams to control the environment by preventing disastrous floods Social Security: Old-age insurance for retirees aged 65 or older and their spouses, paid half by the employee and half by the employer 2. Unemployment compensation paid by a federal tax on employers and administered by the states 3. Aid for the disabled and for families with dependent children paid by the federal government and administered by the states
1. UN police action was taken in this "War," which was lead by Americans but resulted with a cease fire and the status quo division into a Communist North and Democratic South. 2. Refers to the installation of a communist government in Cuba, which eventually allied with the Soviet Union 3. n 1961, 1,500 Cuban exiles, armed and trained by the CIA, tried to stage an invasion at Cuba but the invasion failed and the Pres. refused to involve the U.S. armed forces. 4. Refers to the discovery of missiles on the island of Cuba and the diplomatic struggles to remove them 5. The US supported anti-communist south vs communist North forces led by Ho Chi Minh 6. Vietcong’s largest and most damaging campaign of the entire war. Ultimately it failed to achieve its goal of driving the Americans out but it lead many people in the United States to question the war. 7. Name 4 presidents in office during the cold war
What is 1. Korean War 2. Cuban Revolution 3. Bay of Pigs 4. Cuban Missile Crisis 5. Vietnam War 6. Tet Offensive 7. Truman, Eisenhower, JFK, LBJ, Nixon, Ford, Carter, Reagan, and George HW Bush
Racial Integration: 1. He issued an executive order to integrate the U.S. armed forces and to end discrimination in the hiring of U.S. government employees 2. First black baseball player in the MLB 3. The case in which the U.S. Supreme Court declared that state laws establishing “separate but equal” public schools denied African American students the equal education promised in the Fourteenth Amendment. 4. Began in 1955 and lasted over a year, this was a protest targeting segregated public transportation 5. law prohibited discrimination based on race, religion, national origin, and gender. 6. outlawed the requirement for would-be voters in the United States to take literacy tests to register to vote
What is 1. Pres. Harry Truman 2. Jackie Robinson 3. Brown vs. Board of Education (1954) 4. Montgomery Bus Boycott 5. Civil Rights Act of 1964 6. Voting Rights Act of 1965
1. His nomination for president in 1964 launched the modern conservative movement 2. List 2 features of Reaganomics 3. Major controversy during Reagan’s second term. Weapons were sold to an enemy of the United States. The profits from those arms sales were used to illegally fund a rebellion in Latin America. 4. Who was the Soviet leader during Reagan's admin 5. Reagan admin. project to build a missile defense system in space 4. In what admin did the Cold War official end
What is 1. Barry Goldwater 2. Tax cuts, budget cuts and increased military spending 3. Gorbachev 4. SDI 5. George HW Bush