The promised land is the land flowing with _____and______.
Milk and Honey
God showed his power in Moses by having him use ______ to perform miracles.
A Staff
The wooden chest plated with gold where God Made himself present to his people.
Ark of the Covenant
The king that baby Moses needed to escape
The name of the event where Jesus preached the New Covenant
The Sermon on the Mount
The people inhabiting the promised land were called the_______
Moses disobeyed God at the Waters of Meribah by______ instead of_______.
Striking the rock instead of Speaking to it.
The virtue of quiet strength that helps us control our anger.
The King that baby Jesus needed to escape.
Jesus echoed the words from the Old Testament that spoke of the blood of the lamb when he says ______
"This is my blood of the covenant, which is poured out for the forgiveness of sins."
The chosen people destroyed the city wall by marching around it with_______.
The Ark of the Covenant
_____ out of _____ spies doubted that they could take the Promised Land.
10 out of 12
the grace of the Holy Spirit given to us through faith in Christ and the Sacraments, beginning with Baptism.
New Law
Both Jesus and Moses fasted for _____ Days.
40 Days
The New Covenant is established through the event s from the last supper to the resurrection which is called________
The Paschal Mystery
Only ______ and ______ trusted that God would bring them to the promised land.
Joshua and Caleb
Jesus teachings about how to achieve eternal happiness with God in Heaven
Moses brought the Old _____ to the people and Jesus brought the New _____.
Old Law and New Law
The New Covenant brings us the New Law of ________
The name of the City who's walls God toppled for the chosen people.
When the covenant is broken who is the one that breaks the Covenant?
The Chosen People
the virtue that allows us to do great and noble things confidently for God and others.
Heavenly Bread during Moses' time was called ____
Heavenly Bread given by Jesus is called_____
Manna and the Eucharist
True freedom enables us to live a life of ________.
Self-giving love.