All Skills
Jack scored 113 points during his first 2 seasons playing basketball. Over the next 2 years, he scored 188 points. How many total points did he score during his career? Show your work.
What is 301?
Andrew scored 908 points on a video game. Jada scored 543 points fewer than Andrew playing the same video game. How many points did Jada score? Show your work.
What is 365?
Jaylan is planting a garden. She plants 5 pumpkin seeds in each of 3 rows. If all of them grow, how many pumpkins can Jaylan expect to have? Show your work.
What is 15?
Grandma Jones baked 35 cookies. She gave each of her 5 grandchildren an equal numbers of cookies. How many cookies did each grandchild get? Show your work.
What is 7?
Amy drew 9 triangles on her paper. She counted a total of 26 sides on all of the triangles. Explain if she is correct or incorrect and why or why not.
What is incorrect? On 9 triangles there are 3 sides each and 9 X 3 = 27
Harrison has 105 jelly beans. His sister has 255 jelly beans. Rounded to the nearest hundred about how many jelly beans do they have all together? Show your work.
What is about 400?
Marcia has $209.00 to spend on presents for her birthday. Christopher has $167.00 to spend on his presents for his birthday. Rounded to the nearest ten, about how much more money does Marcia have to spend than Christopher?
What is about $40?
Mr. Jones has 28 students in his classroom. He has 8 tables with 4 chairs at each table. Will he have enough seats for each of his 28 students? How many will he have?
What is yes? What is 32?
The two eyed space creatures, three eyed space creatures, and four eyed space creatures are having a contest to create a group with 24 eyes. How many two eyed space creatures are needed to make a group of 24? How many three eyed space creatures are needed to make a group of 24? How many four eyed space creatures are needed to make a group of 24?
What is 12? What is 8? What is 6?
Jack and Mark have some money to spend at the movies. Jack's mother gave him $12.00. Mark has half that amount. They want to buy two movie tickets for $6.00 each and two bags of popcorn for $1.50 each. Will they have enough money to buy all of these items? How much do they have and how much do the items cost? Show your work.
What is yes? What is $18.00? What is $15.00?
There are 2 books on the first shelf, 6 books on the second shelf, 12 books on the third shelf, and 20 books on the fourth shelf. How many books are on the tenth shelf?
What is 110?
Zinna saved up $35. Then she got $15 for her allowance. Zinna spent $8 on a pair of gloves, $9 on a winter hat, and $11 on a scarf. How much money does Zinna have left?
What is 22?
Christy is building a rectangular vegetable garden that takes up 24 square feet of space in her yard. If the width of the garden is 4 feet, what is the length? Show your work.
What is 6 feet?
Marilyn has 40 bananas that must be put away in boxes. Daniel comes to help and brings 8 cookies to share with Marilyn. If there are 8 boxes, how many bananas must go in each box? Show your work.
What is 5?
James wants to buy a video game that will cost $35.00. His mother pays him for doing chores around the house. He earns $4.00 each time he cleans his room, $5.00 each time he mows the lawn, and $5.00 for cleaning the bathroom. If he does all of his chores for three days in a row, how much money will he have? Show your work.
What is $35.00?
Amy bought a bagel for $2.00 on her way to school each day for two weeks (Monday - Friday). She also purchased an orange juice for $1.50 on one morning and a banana for $.50 on three mornings. How much money did she spend over the course of the two weeks on breakfast?
What is $23.00?
Billy has to solve 110 Math problems. He solved 55 problems yesterday and 40 problems today. How many problems yet to solve? Show your work.
What is 15?
Maria has 8 dresses in her closet. Her friend said that she has five times that amount. If this is true, how many dresses do Maria and her friend have all together?
What is 48 dresses?
Yvonne read 48 books last year. What is the average number of books that Yvonne read each month?
What is 4?
Brandon learned that, beginning at age 2, children grow about 6 centimeters per year. Brandon’s brother is 2 years old today and 80 centimeters tall. Brandon wants to estimate what his brother’s height would be at age 7. Show your work.
What is 110 centimeters?
A local bakery sold 3,711 chocolate-chip cookies, 1,402 lemon cookies, and 3,935 oatmeal cookies. How many cookies did the bakery sell in all? Show your work.
What is 9,048?
Jacob can spend two hours at the museum. He spends 45 minutes looking at paintings and then 50 minutes looking at pottery. How much time does he have left?
What is 25 minutes?
Joe works at the local grocery store. He usually works 40 hours a week and gets paid $10 per hour. Sometimes, however, he is asked to work over 40 hours per week and he is paid overtime for the extra hours. He gets paid “time and a half” for overtime; that is, his regular rate of pay plus another half of his rate of pay. Last week, Joe worked 60 hours. How much did he earn? Show your work.
What is $700.00?
The science fair had 108 displays. There were twelve displays in each row. How many rows of displays were at the science fair? Show your work.
What is 9 rows?
There are 3 red baskets, 5 blue baskets, and 2 orange baskets. Each red basket has 2 gifts in it. Each blue basket has 3 gifts in it. Orange baskets can hold 10 gifts. How many gifts are there in all?
What is 41 gifts?