=/- Two Step
On Step
÷ and then...?
Mental Math

Olivia was playing a trivia game. In the first round she scored fifty points and in the second round she scored twenty-three points. In the last round she lost sixty-six points.

How many points did she have at the end of the game?



Tom was collecting cans for recycling. In 5 months he had collected 180 bags with 413 cans inside each bag. How many cans did he have total?



Paul wanted to give each of his three friends an equal amount of candy. At the store he bought twenty-two pieces total to give to them. How many more pieces should he have bought so he didn't have any extra?

22÷3 = 7 r1
Final Answer is 2


When Gisselle decided to stop eating junk food, she started saving more of her allowance to buy a larger bicycle. She managed to put away $6 every week for 8 weeks and found a nice used bicycle for $50. She thought that she had close to that amount in her savings jar. Did she have exactly enough for the bicycle? If not, how much extra or how much too little did she have?  

$6 per week x 8 weeks = $48. $50 - $48 = $2, so she had $2 too little for the bicycle


If 8 × 2 = 16 , then 800 × 2 =



While shopping, Bianca bought twenty-four green towels and twenty-seven white towels.

If she gave her mother nine of them, how many towels did Bianca end up with?



A new library received 198 boxes of books with 975 books in each box. How many books did the library receive total?



A flash drive could hold six gigs of data. If you needed to store twenty gigs, how many flash drive would you need?

20÷6 = 3 r2
Final Answer is 4


Before Cam broke his right arm, he was able to type 9 words per minute on his phone. After he broke his arm, he had to use his left hand for a while, and he could only type 6 words per minute. What is the difference between the number of words he could type in 5 minutes before and after he broke his arm.

Hint:3 Operations

9 words per minute x 5 minutes = 45 words; 6 words per minute x 5 minutes = 30 words; 45 words – 30 words = 15 words difference


If 5 × 1 = 5 , then 500 × 1 =



Tiffany and her mom were picking carrots from their garden. Tiffany picked thirty-six and her mother picked twenty-five. If only forty-seven of the carrots were good, how many bad carrots did they have?



A video game company can fit 231 boxes of games into a truck. If they have 241 full trucks, how many boxes of games do they have total?



Cody has to sell thirteen chocolate bars to win a trip. If each box contains two chocolate bars, how many boxes will he need to sell to win the trip?

13÷2 = 6 r1
Final Answer is 7


In Science class, Sara needed 8 test tubes for 3 different experiments. The first experiment required 2 test tubes and the other two experiments required the same number of test tubes. How many test tubes were needed for each of the other two experiments?

Hint 2 Operations

8 test tubes – 2 test tubes = 6 test tubes; 6 test tubes divided by 2 = 3 test tubes for each of the other experiments


If 8 × 6 = 48 , then 800 × 6 =



Sarah picked three tulips and forty-one roses to make flower bouquets. If she only used twenty-one of the flowers though, how many extra flowers did Sarah pick?



George was packing up his old toys. He managed to squeeze thirty toys into a box. If George filled up eighty-two boxes, how many toys did he pack total?



At the carnival, three friends bought twenty-five tickets. If they wanted to split all the tickets so each friend got the same amount, how many more tickets would they need to buy?

25÷3 = 8 r1

Final Answer is 2


Kelley belonged to a canoe club that had 18 canoes. They kept their canoes on trailers, each able to carry canoes 2 wide and 3 high. If they had enough trailers for all of their canoes, how many trailers did they have?

Hint: 2 Operations

2 x 3 = 6 canoes per trailer. 18 canoes divided by 6 canoes per trailer = 3 trailers


If 6 × 5 = 30 , then 600 × 5



Will had to wash forty-three short sleeve shirts and thirty-five long sleeve shirts before school. If he had only washed fifteen of them by the time school started, how many did he not wash?



At a school fundraiser the students sold ninety-two boxes of candy with each box having twenty-four pieces inside of it. How many pieces of candy did they sell total?



A post office has seventeen pieces of junk mail they want to split evenly between two mail trucks. How many extra pieces of junk mail will they have if they give each truck the same amount?

17÷2 = 8 r1
Final Answer is 1


Branson and his sister Beatrice combined their allowance of $7 each, so they could buy a movie for $12. They bought $1 containers of fruit salad with the remaining money and split the containers evenly between them. How many containers of fruit salad did they each get?

$7 + $7 = $14 combined allowance; $14 - $12 = $2 remaining money; $2 divided by $1 per container = 2 containers of fruit salad; 2 containers divided by 2 people = 1 container each


 If 3 × 9 = 27 , then 300 × 9
