2-step Equations
1-step Equations

If you can buy one can of pineapple chunks for $2 then how many can you buy with $18?

9 cans


331 students went on a field trip. Six buses were filled and 7 students traveled in cars. How many students were in each bus?

54 students were in each bus


Lisa is cooking muffins. The recipe calls for 9 teaspoons of butter. She has already put in some teaspoons and has 5.5 teaspoons left to add.  How many teaspoons has she already put in?

She has already put in 3.5 teaspoons.

Mt. Everest, the highest elevation in Asia, is 29,028 feet above sea level. The Dead Sea, the lowest elevation, is 1,312 feet below sea level. What is the difference between these two elevations?
The difference is 30340 feet.

What is the unknown quantity in an algebraic expression called? 



The money used in Jordan is called the Dinar. The exchange rate is $3 to 4 Dinars. Find how many dollars you would receive if you exchanged 400 Dinars.



If you add 2 to me and divide me by 3, you get 8. What number am I?


(n + 2) / 3 = 8 

n + 2 = 24

n = 22


How many packages of takis can you buy with $25 if one package costs $4?

6 packages

In Buffalo, New York, the temperature was -14°F in the morning. If the temperature dropped 7°F, what is the temperature now?
The current temperature is -21 degrees.

What do you call a quantity that doesn't change in an algebraic expression?



Sam works as a dental hygienist. Last week Sam made $500 for 20 hours of work. How many hours must Sam work in order to make $700?

28 hours

Jill sold half of her comic books and then bought sixteen more. She now has 36. With how many did she begin?
Jill began with 40 comic books

At a restaurant, Mike and his three friends decided to divide the bill evenly. If each person paid $13 then what was the total bill?

The total bill was $52.00

A submarine was situated 800 feet below sea level. If it ascends 250 feet, what is its new position?
Its new position is -550 ft. OR 550 feet below sea level.

What do you call the number being divided or split in a division problem?



Murphy and Abby are trying to determine the distance between two particular cities by using a map. The map key indicates that 4.5 cm is equivalent to 75 km. If the cities are 12.7 cm apart on the map, what is the actual distance between the cities?

About 211.7 kilometers

How old am I if 400 reduced by 2 times my age is 244?
I am 78 years old.

Last Friday Trevon had $29. Over the weekend he received some money for cleaning the attic. He now has $41. How much money did he receive?

He received $12.

Roman Civilization began in 509 B.C. and ended in 476 A.D. How long did Roman Civilization last?
985 years

What do you call the answer to a multiplication problem?


The Ridilla family plan to drive to their vacation destination in 2 days. On day 1 the family traveled 324 miles in 4.5 hours. On day 2, how many hours will it take the family to complete the 576 mile trip, assuming the travel at the same rate as day 1?
3.5 hours
Aliyah had some candy to give to her four children. She first took ten pieces for herself and then evenly divided the rest among her children. Each child received two pieces. With how many pieces did she start?
She started with 18 pieces of candy.

A recipe for cookies calls for 3 and 1/4 cups of sugar. Amy has already put in 3 and 1/9 cups. How many more cups does she need to put in?

5/36 more cups of sugar.

Metal mercury at room temperature is a liquid. Its melting point is -39°C. The freezing point of alcohol is -114°C. How much warmer is the melting point of mercury than the freezing point of alcohol?
75 degrees warmer

What do you call the number you subtract from a quantity in a subtraction problem?

A subtrahend.