Ryan, Dominic, and Brittney were collecting acorns. Ryan gathered 109 in his bag. Dominic collected 87 in his bag. Brittney picked up 50 acorns. At the end of the day, they put all the acorns into a cardboard box. How many acorns were in the box?

What is addition?


James and Marla each have a bag of marbles. James has 229 marbles. Marla has 455 marbles. How many more marbles does Marla have than James?

What is subtraction?


There are eight cars in the garage. Tom will place new tires on each car. How many tires will Tom need?

What is multiplication?


Wendy has 36 books. She has a bookshelf with 6 shelves on it. If Wendy puts the same number of books on each shelf, how will be on each shelf?

What is division?


Marla, Berkeley, and Calvin were all playing a video game. Marla’s score was 645. Berkeley’s score was 121. Find the sum of their scores.

What is addition? 


Harry is reading a chapter book that has 432 pages. He has already read 116 pages. How many pages does he have left to read?

What is subtraction?


Peter goes fishing with Patrick. Peter catches 3 small fish and 3 big fish. Patrick catches four times as many fish as Peter. How many fish did Patrick catch?

What is multiplication?


Pat is having a picnic for her family. She has 42 cookies. There are 7 people in her family. If each person gets the same number of cookies, how many cookies will each person get?

What is division?


Christopher, Nathan, and Samantha went to the ice cream stand. Christopher ordered a chocolate ice cream cone for $2. Nathan ordered a hot fudge sundae for $3 Samantha ordered a strawberry milkshake for $2. Samantha said, “I’ll pay for all of our orders.” How much did she have to pay?

What is addition? 


Kristine and her friends are raising money for charity. They hope to raise $900 to reach their goal. So far, they have $780. How much more do they need to collect in order to reach their goal?

What is subtraction?


Kathryn goes out to lunch with Mia and Fran. Each girl orders the $7 lunch special. Kathryn agrees to pay the bill. How much will she have to pay?

What is multiplication?


Jesse has 45 toys and 5 boxes. If he puts the same number of toys in each box, how many toys will be in each box?

What is division?


Marla, Berkeley, and Ryan each buy a bag of jelly beans. Marla’s bag has 967 jelly beans in it. Berkeley’s bag had 734 jelly beans. What is the total number of jelly beans they had?

What is addition? 


Brian buys two pieces of candy. Each piece of candy costs one dollar and twelve cents. If he gives the cashier a ten dollar bill, what will his change be?

What is subtraction?


Justin, Carl, Ryan, and Will each have seventy-two alien trading cards. How many cards do they have in all?

What is multiplication?


Darren has 21 pencils and seven bags. If he puts the same number of pencils in each bag, how many pencils will be in each bag?

What is division?