Single Step

I started my homework at 2:00 and finished 5 minutes later. When did I finish?



Sarah had 41 books in her classroom. Anais and Dylan each gave her 8 more. How many does she have now?

57 books


David had 2 donuts. Adela gave him 10 donuts. Sarah gave him 20 donuts. How many donuts does he have now?

32 donuts


Ryan went to the cake shop. He bought 18 cakes. Then he bought 4 more. After he ate 7 cakes. How many cakes does he have left?

15 cakes


Summer and Bobo were buying presents for Christmas for everyone. Summer got 10 presents. Bobo got 5. There are 5 people in the family. How many presents will each person get?

3 presents each


If one week has 7 days, and one month has 29 days, how many more days are there in the month than the week?

22 days


My Mom had 16 cars. She gave my Dad 8, and me 2. Then she bought 20 more. How many cars does she have now?

26 cars


Dylan got 15 balloons on Saturday. Then 4 more on Monday. Dylan gave Hunter 9 of them. How many are left?

10 balloons left


Summer went to the treats. First she saw 6 bags in one aisle and 18 in another. She bought 7 of them. How many bags are left in the store?

17 treat bags left


Wisdom was at the store. He bought 2,590 cars. He gave 2,560 cars to the nursery. Then he bought 10 more. How many cars did he buy?

2,600 cars


Adela had 100 cupcakes. She gave Sarah 29. How many does she have left?

71 cupcakes


Wren was shopping for fruits. She saw 4 different kinds. There were 18 fruits in total. Some were oranges. 3 were cantaloupes, 5 were apples, and 5 were bananas. How many were oranges?

5 were oranges


Jack was selling lemonade. He made 54 lemonades on Sunday. Then he sold 41 more lemonades. Then he made 140 more lemonades on Monday. Then he made 4 more in one minute! How many does he have now?

157 lemonades

Tiktocktoe had 50 followers. Tiktok had 96 followers. They boy lost 4 followers. How many followers do they have in total?



I have 50 windows in my house. Then a flood came and destroyed 10 buildings and 5 windows. The next day another flood came, destroying 20 buildings and 10 windows. How many windows do I have left?

35 windows


Soren and Parker were testing out a mod in minecraft. When Soren mined he got 128 diamonds. When parked minded he got 117. How many more did Soren get than Parker?

Soren got 11 more diamonds than Parker.
Jake went to the cupcake store. He bought 5 boxes with 4 cupcakes inside each one. Then he ate 3 boxes. How many cupcakes does he have left?

8 cupcakes


John has 6 pencils. His Dad gave him 28 more. He loves to break them, and broke half of them. How many does he have left?

17 pencils left


I have 1400 baseball cards. My Mom told me to give my Dad and brother 600 each. Then I bought 2600 more. How many do I have now?

2800 baseball cards


There are 30 days left in school. Each school day is 6 hours. Each hour has 60 minutes in it. How many more minutes of school are there?

10,800 minutes left!


Anais went to a jewelry shop. She bought 25 bracelets and 5 boxes. She wants to put the bracelets in to the boxes equally. How many bracelets will be in each box?

5 bracelets in each box


Elise went to the cupcake store and bought 9 cupcakes. She also bought 88 cookies. Then she ate 18 cookies and 3 cupcakes. How many sweets does she have left?

76 sweets left


I started to walk home at 2:00. I walked for 90 minutes. After I got home I did some work. I finished working at 4:20. How long did I do work?

50 minutes

11 kids were at the library. They each picked 6 books. Then a librarian came and gave each 4 more. How many do they have in all?

110 books


Lia went to an apple farm. She picked 956 apples. A girl named Olivia picked 864 apples. Then Lia ate 291. Olivia ate 362. How many apples do they have left all together?

1167 apples