What does the prefix “un-” mean in the word "unhappy"?
"Not" or "opposite of"
What does the suffix "-ful" mean in the word "hopeful"?
Full of
The root "aqua" means "water." What might "aquarium" mean?
A place that holds water, often for fish.
What do we call a word part that comes before the base word?
DOUBLE JEOPARDY (If answered correctly, you earn double points) The word “invisible” has the prefix “in-.” What does "in-" mean?
The word "preview" has the prefix "pre-". What does "pre-" mean?
The word "teacher" ends in "-er". What does this suffix mean?
Someone who does an action
The root "tele-" means "far" or "distant." What does "telephone" mean?
A device that lets you hear sound from far away
If you remove the suffix from "kindness," what base word is left?
DOUBLE JEOPARDY (If answered correctly, you earn double points) The suffix "-ous" is in the word "dangerous." What does it mean?
Full of
The prefix “mis-” is in the word "misplace". What does it mean?
"Wrong" or "badly"
In the word "darkness", what does the suffix "-ness" mean?
State or condition of
The Latin root "spect" means "to look." What does "inspect" mean?
To look at something carefully
Which word has a Greek or Latin root? A) Doghouse B) Telephone C) Sunset
DOUBLE JEOPARDY (If answered correctly, you earn double points) The Greek root “photo” means “light.” What does “photosynthesis” mean?
The process by which plants use light to make food
Which prefix means “across” or “through” in the word "transport"?
The suffix "-ly" is often added to adjectives. What part of speech does it usually create?
The Greek root "graph" means "to write." What does "autograph" mean?
A person's own writing or signature
True or False: The word "unhappily" has two affixes. An "affix" is a small part of a word, like a letter or group of letters, that you add to the beginning or end of a word to change its meaning
True – 'un-' and '-ly'
DOUBLE JEOPARDY (If answered correctly, you earn double points) What happens to the meaning of the word "disagree" if you remove the prefix "dis-"?
It changes from 'not agree' to just 'agree
If the prefix "bi-" means "two," what does "bimonthly" mean?
Happening every two months or twice a month
The word "celebration" has the suffix "-tion". What does this suffix usually indicate?
The act or process of
The Latin root "port" means "to carry." What does "portable" mean?
Able to be carried
Break down the word "transportation" into its prefix, root, and suffix.
Prefix: "trans-" / Root: "port" / Suffix: "-ation"
The word "biodegradable" has three parts: "bio-" (life), "de-" (down), and "gradable" (able to break down). Based on this, what does "biodegradable" mean?
Something that can break down naturally over time with the help of living things like bacteria.