My desk is a jumble of many things!
What is the meaning of jumble in Japanese?
What does Princess Peach say in English?
Help me!
What is a color and a fruit?
What animal says "meow"?
A cat.
This is Koopa (クッパ).
What is his name in English?
I like to doodle in my notebook.
What is the meaning of doodle in Japanese?
What is the English title of this song?
Let it Go
What is an animal and a stick used in baseball?
What animal says "woof woof!"?
A dog.
Who is Charizard in Japanese?
Lizardon (リザードン)
Wiggle your body.
Watch the worm wiggle.
What is the word for wiggle in Japanese?
What does Ash say in Pokémon?
Pikachu, I choose you!
What is something you use to see and something you use to drink?
What animal says "quack quack!"?
A duck.
What is キノコ王国 called in English?
Mushroom Kingdom
Don't gobble so fast!
What is the meaning of gobble in Japanese?
ガツガツ食べる (七面鳥の鳴き声)
What does Luffy say in English?
I will become the Pirate King!
What is something you wear to tell time, and a verb that means look?
What animal says "oink oink"?
A pig.
What is Hoshi no Kirby” (星のカービィ) in English?
A) Kirby’s Adventure
B) Kirby’s Dream Land
C) Super Kirby
D) Star Kirby
B) Kirby’s Dream Land
Squish the ball.
What is the meaning of squish in Japanese?
What is Conan’s famous phrase in English?
I’m Detective Conan! There is only one truth!
What is a season and a verb?
What animal says "neigh"?
A horse!
Callie and Marie are the Squid Sisters in English. What is their name in Japanese?
Shiokarāzu (シオカラーズ)
Callie (アオリ, Aori) & Marie (ホタル, Hotaru)