definition of word "assign"
to select a position or for what has to be done.
definition of word "alert"
watchful,wide awake;a warning signal
definition of word "assign"
to select for a position or for what has to be done
definition of word "companion"
one who spends time with or does things with another
definition of word "concept"
a general idea or thought about something
definition of word "jostle"
to push or shove
definition of word "obedient"
doing what one is asked or told
definition of word "obstacle"
something that prevents one from moving foward
definition of word "patient"
willing to wait without complaining. A person in doctors care
definition of word "pedestrian"
a person who walks across the street on foot
definition of word "retire"
to stop working because one has reached certain age
definition of word "aroma"
a smell or odor,especially a pleasant one.
definition of word "beverage"
a liquid used as a drink
definition of word "bland"
lacking a strong flavor
definition of word "cluster"
A number of similar things grouped together
definition of word "combine"
to join or bring together
definition of word "consume"
to use up
definition of word "crave"
to have a strong desire for