Grade 4
When you disclose information, you...
What is tell people about it

An exquisite necklace is: 

a. old-fashioned 

b. colorful 

c. beautifully 

d. made glittery

What is beautifully made

I intend to leave in the morning. In this sentence intend means: plan hope hate request permission
What is plan
Jackie at the entire pizza. In this sentence, entire means: whole delicious medium-sized messy
What is whole
If you ask in vain, you... ask angrily feel certain that you will get what you asked for don't get what you asked for beg for something
What is don't get what you asked for.

We watched John's progress up the road. What does progress mean? a. moving toward goal b. car c. bicycle d. moving in a wavy line

What is moving towards goal.


If construction work on a new building progresses, it is 

a. impressive 

b. moves forward 

c. takes a long time 

d. makes a lot of noise

What is moves forward

Jerome had no intention of hurting Kate's feelings . In this sentence, intention means: aim or plan responsibility trouble guilt
What is aim or plan.
If you make progress, you: irritate people do your work slowly try as hard as you can make an improvement
What is make an improvement.
To refine sugar is to: enjoy sugary desserts avoid eating sugar use sugar for cooking purify sugar
What is purify sugar.

We made a vain attempt to find the key. This means... a. we tried, but we couldn't find it b. we did our best and succeeded at last c. we are still looking for the key d. we did not try to find the key

What is we tried, but we couldn't find it

Which of these is refined? corn on the cob pure white flour a head of lettuce a wheat plant
What is pure white flour
Which of these is someone most likely to exclaim? What a beautiful day! Please join us for breakfast. May I have some orange juice? I'm going shopping tomorrow.
What is "What a beautiful day!"
Which of these could be described as a scoundrel? A nurse A bus passenger A bank robber A pet cat
What is a bank robber

What are jeers meant to do? a. Praise someone b. warn someone of danger c. insult or mock someone d. politely silence someone

What is insult or mock someone


What would an animal use to peer at you? 

a. its fangs 

b. its eyes 

c. its claws 

d. its voice

What is it eyes.

Which describes applause? running and jumping clapping and cheering whining and complaining whispering secrets
What is clapping and cheering.
Who or what is the most likely to applaud? animals in a forest flowers in a garden people in an audience people hurrying along a sidewalk
What is people in an audience.
What is the opposite of refined? rude wealthy hungry exhausted
What is rude.

What is the opposite of vain? a. beautiful b. modest c. loving d. generous

What is modest.


What is the opposite of drab? 

a. sad 

b. colorful 

d. kind moist

What is colorful.

What is the same as crafty? sneaky intelligent curious furious
What is sneaky
What is the same meaning as jeer? greet cheer mock wave
What is mock.
What is the same as uneasy? exhausted angry nervous curious
What is nervous.