What is the definition of Distinct/?
Not the same, different, or separate.
Unmistakable or definite
What is a synonym for Abundant/Abundance?
Generous or heavy.
Plenty or wealth
what is the antonym for Terrain?
sky or empty
What is the analogy for Hectic?
Restless to lively
What is the correct splendor or splendid?
When I visit New York City, I am always captivated by the _____ of the night skyline.
What is the definition of Horde?
Large group or crowd.
What is a synonym for Arid?
Dry or parched
What is an antonym for Peninsula?
What is the analogy for Abundant/Abundance?
Plentiful to huge
Outpouring to outbreak
What is the correct Squalor or Squalid?
The family lived in ____ conditions.
What is the definition of Graze/Grazed?
To feed on growing grass.
To touch lightly in passing.
What is a synonym for Inhabit/inhabited?
Live or home
Settled or owned
What is an antonym for Rural?
Urban and city
What is the analogy for Horde?
Crowd to pack
What is the correct Inhabit or Inhabitant?
I am the original ____ Of this land.
What is the definition of Humid/Humidity?
A large amount of water or moisture in the air.
The amount of moisture in the air.
What is a synonym for Sanctuary?
Shelter or place
What is a antonym for Humid?
Dry or dehydrated
What is the analogy for Distinct?
Noticeable to visable
What is the correct Humid or humidity?
The high ______ made the air feel thick and heavy.
What is the definition of Hectic?
Full of feverish activity, haste, or confusion.
What is the synonym for splendor/splendid?
Brilliance or amazing
Impressive or magnificent
What is the antonym for Arid?
What is the analogy for Graze/Grazed?
Scrape to skip
What is the correct Graze or
As the soccer ball rolled across the field, It would ____ the tips of the players shoes.