Picture 1.
Body shape.
A person's child or children.
My father is a _______ in our family and he always gives us pocket money.
My father is a breadwinner in our family and he always gives us pocket money.
A synonym to "to irritate"
To get on smb's nerves
Він часто відволікається, йому потрібно сфокусуватися на роботі.
He often gets distracted, he needs to focus on work.
Picture 2.
To fit in.
The action or process of working together to the same end.
I like to help people. That's why i decided to ______ in a nursing home.
I like to help people. That's why i decided to volunteer in a nursing home.
To have friendly relationship.
To get on with somebody.
Я доволі часто люблю сперечатися на політичні теми.
I like to argue on political topics quite often.
Picture 3.
A person one knows slightly, but who is not a close friend.
When I started researching about asian immigrants, I found out that they work in ________! They deserve better.
When I started researching about asian immigrants, I found out that they work in working conditions! They deserve better.
To start to be familiar with someone.
To get to know someone/something.
Це ствердження нерелевантне, я повинен його поставити його під сумнів.
This statement is irrelevant, i need to challenge it.
Picture 4.
To make fun of.
The verbal and nonverbal processes by which one communicates care and concern for another, offering reassurance, empathy, comfort, and acceptance.
Emotional support
I think i need to _____ how important this question is!
I think i need to emphasize how important this question is!
Picture 12.
To get bored.
Вони мені не довіряють, потрібно придумати як запевнити їх.
They don't trust me, i need to find out how to assure them.
Picture 5.
Narrow minded and broad-minded.
To begin to live a quiet and steady life by getting a regular job, getting married, etc
To settle down
Children always take their parents' care ______ as they are never grateful for what their parent do to them.
Children always take their parents' care for granted as they are never grateful for what their parent do to them.
Antonym to "to get easier".
To get complicated.
Пройшло багато часу перш ніж студенти визнали авторитет вчителя.
It took students a lot of time before they recognized their teacher's authority.