What is "Newspeak"
The ambiguous, primarily euphemistic language in the book 1984 by George Orwell, sometimes used in modern political critique
Define "Anthropology"
The Study of Humans
Define Vehemently
Strongly emotional; intense, or passionate
Define "Cap"
You're lying, lair, that's a lie, etc.
If you had Claustrophobia, what would you be afraid of?
Small, tight, confined spaces
What is a "Nigglywiggly"
The piece of paper in a Hershey's Kiss
Define "Dendrochronology"
The Study of the Age of Trees via their rings
Define Berate
To scold or criticize someone [angrily]
Define "Bet"
Okay; I'll do it; alright
If you had Odontophobia, what would you be afraid of?
Teeth falling out!
What is "Lese Majesty"
A crime, especially of high treason, committed against the sovereign power; an attack on any custom, institution, belief, etc. held sacred or revered by numbers of people
Define "Oology"
The Study of Eggs
Define Inebriation
Drunkness; intoxication
Define GOAT
Greatest of All Time; the best at something
If you had Phobophobia, what would you be afraid of?
What is a Raconteur?
A professional storyteller
Define "Oenology"
the Study of Wine
Define Pedantic
Excessively concerned with minor details or rules; overscrupulous
Define the phrase: "[my] Roman Empire"
A reference to the idea that 'almost all men think of the Roman empire once a day' on Tik Tok, and is used to refer to something that occupies your mind constantly or consistently
Long words!
What is a Deipnosophist?
A person who is adept conversationalist, specifically at a meal
Define "Pomology"
The Study of Fruit
Define Abnegation
The act of renouncing or rejecting something; Deviation from the norm
Define the phrase: "Take several seats"
You are out of line, pipe down, etc.