"Let them eat cake"
(food origin)
Where in the world? (countries of origin)
What's my line?
(old sayings)
Word AND a word
(double meanings)
1950's "slang" (colloquialisms)

A popular food item named after John Montagu, an English nobleman, known as the Earl of ______, is said to have been the first to order meat served between bread, so as not to leave the card table while enjoying his meal.

What is a sandwich?


Blue jeans, although quintessentially American, is actually from...

A) China

B) Italy

C) India

What is Italy?


Finish the common saying:

There's no use in crying over...

What is spilled milk?


An implement with a handle, usually made of wood, used for hitting the ball in games.


A nocturnal flying mammal that lives in caves.

What is a bat?


She is the bee's knees!

What is an excellent or much liked person or thing?


According to National Geographic, this popular food came from Belgium, where fishermen near the River Meuse began frying potatoes during the long winter months when there wasn't enough fish to fry. American soldiers first learned about the dish during WWI by way of French-speaking Belgian soldiers, which is how they got their name.

What are french fries?


A picnic, which is an outing in which a meal is packed and eaten outdoors, originally comes from...

A) Italy

B) France

C) Germany

What is France?


Finish the common saying:

You're barking up the...

What is wrong tree?


To move from a lower position to a higher one.


A prickly bush or shrub that typically bears red, pink, yellow or white fragrant flowers.

What is rose?


If you keep talking to my girl Nancy, I'll feed you a knuckle sandwich!

What is a punch in the face?


This dessert dish consists of cake and ice cream enveloped in meringue, then bruleed on the outside. The unlikely baking method was conceived by an 18th century scientist named Sir Benjamin Thompson, according to NPR. This method of cooking was later adopted by Charles Ranhofer, a Parisian chef. As the legend goes, after the purchase of Alaska from Russia in 1867, Ranhofer came up with a nickname for the dish, which is a play on the contrasting temperatures of the desert.

What is baked Alaska?


The term doppleganger is used to refer to someone who looks like someone which originated in...

A) Spain

B) Japan

C) Germany

What is Germany?


Finish the common saying:

Actions speak...

What is louder than words?


The action performed to a doorbell.


A piece of jewelry worn on the finger.

What is ring?


Mom says my dad used to be a dreamboat back in the day, but I don't know if I believe her!

What is someone who's very attractive or goodlooking?


Legend has it that Mary, Queen of Scots, consumed this food as a treatment for seasickness, and that its name is derived from her maids whispering "Marie et malade" (French for "Mary is ill").

What is marmalade?


The word patio, meaning an open area or courtyard attached to a house, originated in...

A) Spain

B) Russia

C) Ireland

What is Spain?


Finish the common saying:

A bird in the hand...

What is worth two in the bush?


True or correct as a fact.


The opposite direction of left.

What is right?


My dear, your chariot awaits you here.

What is car?


This popular brunch alcoholic beverage is said to have been named for the murderous Queen Mary I of England.

What is Bloody Mary?

The term whiskey, one of the world's favorite liquors, originated from...

A) Sweden

B) Poland

C) Ireland

What is Ireland?


Finish the common phrase:

The best laid plans of mice and men...

What is often go awry?


Unkind, spiteful or unfair.


The value obtained by dividing the sum of several quantities; the average.

What is mean?


I've got my first day the new gig tomorrow.

What is job?