Potential Energy
Kinetic Energy
Theories and Laws

This type of energy is responsible for sunburns.

What is radiant energy?


How is it possible to change an object's GPE?

Change its mass or its height

Increasing the kinetic energy of an object causes this to occur.

What is speeding up?


True or false: If energy does not leave a system, that energy is conserved.

What is true?


The unit for power

What is Watt?


This type of energy is responsible for launching arrows into vulnerable foes. 

What is Elastic Potential Energy?

When work is done, what happens to an object's potential energy?

What is decrease?


When (positive) work is done, its kinetic energy:

What is increases?


A change in kinetic energy is equivalent to this.

What is work?

The unit for work and energy.

What is Joules?


This type of energy is converted to thermal energy (among other things) while cooking a steak on the grill.

What is chemical potential energy?


Assuming we only have to worry about gravity, how high could a pendulum released from a height of 5.0 m return to after completing its swing?

What is 5.0 m?


Friction typically converts mechanical energy (kinetic) into this alternative form of kinetic energy.

What is thermal energy?


Where is one place that energy can go when it is not perfectly conserved (for a system)?

What is sound, heat, light, friction, etc. 

A force F lifts an object a distance Y. Determine the amount of work done.

What is FY?


According to the DOE, this type of energy is the most reliable one. 

What is nuclear energy?


A marble is rolled down a frictionless hill while another is dropped. Assuming they start at the same height, which marble will be moving faster at the bottom?

What is a trick question?


If you drop two balls of different sizes (let's say 5 kg and 10 kg), which ball will have more kinetic energy when it hits the ground?

What is the heavier ball?


Describe the energy change for a pendulum released from rest.

Raising the pendulum converts CPE into GPE. Once released, the GPE turns into KE. At the bottom of the swing, GPE is at a minimum, and KE maximizes. As it finishes swinging through, the KE converts to PE until it reaches its original height and KE 0's out.


To increase power, you must do one of these two things.

What is do work in less time? What is do more work in the same time?


Massive amounts of this energy are involved in car collisions.`

What is mechanical energy?

A 1.0 kg ball is dropped from a height of 1.0 m. What is its GPE?

What is 9.8 J?


If you drop two balls of different sizes (let's say 5 kg and 10 kg), which ball will be moving faster when it hits the ground?

What is a trick question?


A hockey player fires a puck across the ice at an initial speed of 10 m/s. After traveling 10 meters, the puck comes to a stop. Assuming right is positive, determine what type of work is done to the hockey puck. Which force is causing the puck's stoppage?

What is negative work? What is friction?


This is the total amount of work done after completing one rep of a bench press.

What is 0  J?