Latin "Crux"
In translating the Bible into Latin, this word crux was used as a rendering of stau·rosʹ.
The Imperial Bible-Dictionary says: "Even amongst the Romans the crux (from which our cross is derived) appears to have been originally an upright pole, and this always remained the more prominent part."
What were the names of Noah's Sons?
Shem, Ham and Japheth (Genesis 5:32)
When you’ve done your best praying you’ll succeed,
Then you will see [THIS THING] is what we need.
Just a Smile
Where was Jesus Born?
He was born in Bethlehem
the highest form of love ("By this all will know that you are my disciples, if you have [this] love among yourselves." - John 13:35)
Tartarus (generally mistranslated "hell")
Gehenna and Haʹdes (likewise mistranslated "hell").
How many days in advance did Jehovah tell Noah when the Flood would begin?
7 Days (Genesis 7:4)
With loooove in ev’ry little thing we do.
Show love as we spread the good news,
And feeeeel the love of the brotherhood.
Though we stand out as diff’rent,
With Jehovah, We Are One
What Are the Names of Jesus Brothers?
James and Joseph and Simon and Judas (Matthew 13:55)
The Type of Love found NOT in the Christian Greek Scriptures
Not once is the term éros found in the Christian Greek Scriptures
The title "deacon" (1 Tim. 3:12) is the result of another mistranslated Greek word, diákonos, the basic meaning of which is just "ministerial servant."
600 Years Old (Genesis 7:6)
Trust in Jehovah; don’t give in.
Just let it go; [THIS THING]
You’re not alone; you can pray.
He hears your words; he feels your pain.
Roll it On Him
How old was Jesus when he was left behind and later found in the Temple?
12 Years Old (Luke 9:42)
Natural affection based on blood relationships
Storgé is the term used to describe natural affection based on blood relationships, accounting for the expression "blood is thicker than water."
The Hebrew word for the wild bull, reem, is mistranslated in the King James Version Bible as “unicorn”; but the reem was no one-horned mythological beast. It had two horns, “the horns of a wild bull.” (Deut. 33:17)
How old was Noah when Jehovah decreed: "My spirit shall not act toward man indefinitely in that he is also flesh. Accordingly his days shall amount to a hundred and twenty years." (Genesis 6:3)
480 Years Old
Take your time, and make things last.
Learn to love the things you do.
Don't Run So Fast
In the fall of [WHAT YEAR?] at [HOW OLD?], Jesus was baptized [WHERE?].
In the fall of 29 C.E. at thirty years of age, Jesus was baptized in the Jordan River.
Affection as for friends. Strong’s concordance says that it is "chiefly of the heart,"
Some translations use the word "firmament" instead of "expanse." From this the argument is made that the Genesis account borrowed from creation myths that represent this "firmament" as a metal dome.
In what year did the Deluge of Noah’s day begin?
2370 B.C.E.
And I sing, “O Jah, Jehovah my God,
The work of your hands fills us with awe.”
I stare at the stars,
Wondering how you care who we are.
Inspired by Your Wonders
The Bible says: "Jesus loved <WHO?> and her sister <WHO?> and <WHO?>."
"Jesus loved MARTHA and her sister (MARY) and LAZARUS." — John 11:3-5
When wishing to stress the close family relationship that should exist between Christians, Paul uses a compound "LOVE" term (hint - two types of Love) in Romans 12:10
philéo with storgé
"In brotherly love have tender affection [philoʹstorgos] for one another." —Rom. 12:10.