The ways that individuals create, maintain, or change boundaries in order to effectively navigate the world around them,
including their work and nonwork roles.
What is boundary management?
Refers to the match between an individual’s psychological needs and/or values and what the environment supplies to fulfill those needs.
What is needs supplies fit?
This makes work challenging for workers who prefer segmentation?
What is number of household members?
The idea that self-control is a limited resource that can be depleted through use
What is ego depletion theory?
This help determine when surface acting, but not deep acting.
What is the emotional job demands?
These types of people prefer to keep work and non work roles separate
What are segmentors ?
Role boundaries can vary from _____ _________ in which each role has a strict location in time to _____ ________ in which multiple rules can occur within the same location and time.
What is highly segmented and highly integrated?
This theory suggests that in the short term, stressors or shock events will have a negative impact on individual well-being.
What is adaptation theory? -
Modifying outward displays of emotions without changing inner feelings
What is surface acting?
This increases emotional labor
What is drinking?
What is important is __ between the individual and what the context provides.
What is fit?
Involve controlling work time, such as by blocking off segments of time for work and nonwork.
What are temporal tactics?
Refer to objective social and physical features of the environment,
such as having onsite childcare
What is workplace supplies?
______ is then demonstrated by assessing performance or behavior on a second task that requires self-control.
What is regulatory depletion?
Surface acting requires _____ over ones emotions and consumes regulatory resources
What is self control?
Individuals with a preference toward integration are comfortable with this
What is removing boundaries between work and non-work?
Tactics refer to setting expectations, such as by confronting those who violate boundaries.
What are communication tactics?
_____ is fatigued after exertion, making one less able to perform self-control acts until strength is recovered
What is willpower?
By appearing more genuine deep acting may also elicit ____ reactions from others in ways that replenish resources.
____ or _____ the emotional job demand places on employees may decrease employee alcohol consumption.
What is reducing or minimizing?
Suggests that individuals are likely to feel more effective in their work and nonwork roles when individual boundary management preferences are aligned with their environment
What is boundary theory ?
A contextual moderator suggested for remote workers in order to meet expected needs
What is at home workspace?
What is the recommended way to generate task is highly integrated or highly segmented?
What is neither.
_____ has less consistent relationships with both exhaustion and performance.
Deep acting
The first limitation of both studies
What is self-report?