Name 1 hard skill.
What is an emergency contact?
Close family member or friend that could help if something happened to you.
How old do you have to be to get your driver's license?
Name 1 Soft skill.
You should arrive how many minutes early for a job interview?
15 minutes
Nursing is a hard skill. Name 2 things you would do as a nurse.
Give a shot
Take your blood pressure
What does F/T-P/T mean?
What is full time or part time
How long do you have to wait to try for your intermediate license?
6 months
Teamwork is?
Working together with others
What should you NOT take into your job interview?
Truck driving is a hard skill what do you need to drive a truck?
CDL- commercial driver's license
What do you put on your application so you can be contacted if they decide to hire you?
Phone number
What should you wear while you are driving?
Seat belt
Being able to talk with others expressing how you feel about something or sharing your opinions is what soft skill?
You are going for a job interview at Wal-Mart what should you wear?
Nice pants and shirt and clean shoes.
What is a hard skill?
Skill that is specific to a job that you might learn through your work experience.
Someone that can talk good about you or be able to share what they know about you?
Name 2 things you have to take with you when you go to get your permit.
Birth certificate and social security card
What is a soft skill?
Something that you are good at is called?