Past mistakes


 I waited for over an hour, then the bus arrived.

When the bus arrived, I ____ for over an hour! 

I had been waiting


Fill in the gap.

Sorry, can you say that again? Your voice keeps repeating because of the ___.

Sorry, can you say that again? Your voice keeps repeating because of the echo.


Fill in the gap.

There ___ to be a problem with my internet connection.

There seems/appears to be a problem with my internet connection.


It depends of the type of work that you do. It's easier to reinvent yourself and pivot from some careers than from others.

It depends on the type of work that you do.



I got to the restaurant, then I realised my purse was still at home!

When I got to the restaurant, I realised that I ___ my purse at home. 

that I had left my purse at home


Fill in the gap.

I couldn’t answer the last question in the exam, but it went OK __ to that point.

I couldn’t answer the last question in the exam, but it went OK up to that point.


Fill in the gap.
Why don't you try ___ down the volume on your speakers?

Fill in the gap.
Why don't you try turning down the volume on your speakers?


I had an unnecessary long meeting today which could've been an e-mail. It's a tale as old as time.

I had an unnecessarily long meeting today which could've been an e-mail. It's a tale as old as time.


I (meant / study) physics at university, but I didn’t get the grades.

I was meant to study physics at university, but I didn’t get the grades.



Do you have any advice on how to [move forward] my career?

Do you have any advice on how to advance my career?


Fill in the gap.

It's ___  a try because sometimes the echo’s from the mic. 

It's worth a try because sometimes the echo’s from the mic.


My friend has a lighter hair.

My friend has lighter hair.


I [think \ go] camping last weekend, but the forecast was so awful that I stayed at home.

I was thinking of / thought about going camping last weekend, but the forecast was so awful that I stayed at home.


People in Japan tend to not [use an option to not work and get money for a period of time] more than most countries' workforce.

People in Japan tend to not take paid leave more than most countries' workforce.


Fill in the gap.

Hang on. I can’t ___ the screen share working.

Hang on. I can’t get the screen share working.


There's a gap between the current job market and young people's career aspirations. Young people are tend to choose…

There's a gap between the current job market and young people's career aspirations. Young people tend to choose…


I [hope \ travel] to the USA last year, but I couldn’t take the time off.

I was hoping to travel to the USA last year, but I couldn’t take the time off.


We’ll be home in ___ time if we drive back instead of taking the bus.

We’ll be home in no time if we drive back instead of taking the bus.


Find a mistake and correct it.

Try to switch off your camera.

Try switching off your camera.


I have had some road trips with my friends but I can’t really imagine how would I drive long distances with my parents.

I have had some road trips with my friends but I can’t really imagine how I would drive long distances with my parents.