Soft Skills
Employable Skills
Hiring for Attitude
Starting a New Job

This skill involves effectively sharing ideas and information through speaking, writing, and listening.

What is:

a.  communication

b.  time management

What is communication


There are 3 types of skills employers desire

What is:

a. soft, hard, and transferable

b. squishy, hard, and transferable


What is soft, hard, and transferable


A positive and enthusiastic attitude are essential for

What is:

a. finding an interesting career

b.  obtaining a job and succeeding at work

What is obtaining a job and succeeding at work


Reading the employee handbook is not important.

What is:

a.  true

b.  false



What is false


This cereal brand’s mascot famously asks, "Silly Rabbit, ________ are for kids!" in its commercials.

What is:

a. cereal

b. Trix

What is Trix


This skill helps you manage your time, prioritize tasks, and complete work efficiently.

What is:

a. time management

b.  teamwork

What is time management


It is often referred to as “people skills” and/or “personal skills

What is:

a. soft skills

b.  hard skills



What is soft skills


When a person shows good feelings or excitement about doing something.

What is:

a.  enthusiastic attitude

b. negative attitude                   



What is enthusiastic attitude


It is recommended that you arrive about ______ minutes early to work, every day.

What is:

a. 5 minutes

b. 15 minutes



What is 15 minutes


This popular fast-food chain asked, “Where’s the beef?” in a famous 1980s commercial that became a catchphrase.

What is:

a. Wendy’s

b.  McDonalds

What is Wendy's


This skill is essential for working well with others and contributing to a team’s success.

What is: 

a. communication

b.  teamwork

What is teamwork


Examples of important soft skills

What is:

A. communication, strong work ethic, teamwork, adaptability, and leadership

B. poor communication, laziness, uncooperative, and inflexible



What is communication, strong work ethic, teamwork, adaptability, and leadership


Employers prefer job candidates with

What is:

a.  lots of experience with poor attitude

b.  little experience with a positive attitude

What is little experience with a positive attitude


When you are introduced to co-workers it is important to

What is:

a. smile

b. frown



What is a smile


This insurance company uses a talking gecko with a British accent as the spokesperson in its commercials.

What is:


b. Allstate

What is GEICO


This skill helps you adjust to new situations and changes in the workplace.

What is:

a.  adaptability

b.  empathy

What is adaptability


These skills are normally the most important to employers

What is:

a. hard skills

b. soft skills



What is soft skills


New employees fail within the first 18 months mainly because of

What is:

a. a bad attitude

b. a positive attitude



What is a bad attitude


If you are done with an assigned task, it is wise to

What is:

a.  take a break
b. ask what you can do next





What is ask what you can do next


This beverage company’s Christmas commercials often feature polar bears enjoying their drinks in a snowy setting.

What is:

a.  Pepsi

b.  Coca-Cola

What is Coca-Cola


This skill involves understanding others’ feelings and responding appropriately in different situations.

What is:

a.  empathy

b.  teamwork

What is empathy


A strong work ethic and communication skills are considered hard skills

What is:                                                                   a.  true

b. false



What is false


Some of the most desirable companies to work for such as Apple, Google, and the Four Seasons all hire

What is:

a. people with the right attitude

b. only experienced people                                        





What is people with the right attitude


When leaving work, make sure to thank those that assisted you and the boss.

What is:

a. true

b. false



What is true


This cleaning product’s commercials feature a bald man in a white shirt known for his incredible cleaning powers.

Who is:

a. Mr. Clean

b. Mr. Green

Who is Mr. Clean