Adult/Dislocated Worker

What does WIOA Stand for?

Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act


Define dislocated worker.

Dislocated worker is someone who has been terminated or laid off or who has received a notice of termination or layoff from an employment. 


What does TAA stand for?

Trade Adjustment Assistance


What does DEW stand for?

Department of Employment and Workforce


Where can you find the Material Safety Data Sheets Book?

Wall in hallway.


Name 3 out of the 6 purposes of the WIOA program.

1.Increase access to opportunities for employment, education training and supportive service.

2.supporting the alignment of workforce investment, education, and economic development systems in support of a comprehensive, accessible, and high-quality workforce development system

3.improving the quality and labor market relevance of workforce

4.promoting improvement in the structure and delivery of services.

5. increasing the prosperity of workers and employers.

6.providing workforce development activities that increase employment, retention, and earnings of participants and that increase post secondary credential attainment and as a result, improve the quality of the workforce


What does Careerscope measure?

critical interests and aptitudes for emerging careers.


True or False? Are TAA participants eligible to enroll in supplimental classes to enhance their marketability?



What does SCWOS Stand for?

South Carolina Works Online System


Who has priority of Service?



True or false? Customized training conducted with a commitment by an employer or group of employers to employ an individual upon successful completion of training is not included in the training services?


It is included in the training service.


what does IEP stand for?

Individual Employment Plan


What does PATh stand for?

Palmetto Academic and Training Hub


Who do you contact if you have issues with SCWOS?

April Gaskins


Where can you find the work statement on your computer?

Staff folder


what is the definition of Basic Skills deficient?

an individual who lacks a high school diploma or equivalent. or scores less than a four on workkeys/WIN for reading or below a 9th grade on TABE (8.9 or less). or is enrolled in Title II adult ed for english as a second language. 


What are other financial aid opportunities if the WIOA training dollars are limited and assessment results indicate that a participant needs training before self-substaining employment is attainable? Name 3.



Project Hope

Veterans Program

Vocational Rehabilitation


What does TANF stand for?

Temporary Assistance for Needy Families


Daily Double!!!!!!!

Name Two things that should not be scanned into SCWOS.

Full social security numbers

Medical Records or other PII


Name 6 of our required partners

1. WIOA T-I Adult, DW, Youth

2. Wagner-Peyser     

3. Adult Education and Literacy

4. Vocational Rehabilitation

5. Career, Technical Education

6. Title V Older Americans Act

7. Job Corps 

8. Native American Programs

9. Temporary Assistance for Needy

10. Migrant Seasonal Farmworkers

11. Veterans

12. YouthBuild

13. Trade Act             

14. CSBG (Community Action)

15. HUD

16. Unemployment Compensation

17. Second Chance

18. Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF)


at www.careeronestop.net a participant can explore various careers and take self assessments that will help them make well informed career decisions?

True or False?


Training materials, transportation, clothing, and testing fees are all part of what?

Supportive Services


Are Darlington County, Dillon County, Florence County, Marion County and Marlboro County all part of the Pee Dee Region SC Works?



Name 15 things that should be scanned into SCWOS.

1.Receipt of Information (RI-1)

2.Participant File Checklist

3.Authorization for Release

4.Supplemental Information Sheet (if utilized)

5.Participant Rights Handout

6.Self-Attestation form (if applicable)

7.WIOA Program Application

8. Satisfactory Progress form

9.WIOA Training Justification Packet

10.Assessment Results   

11.TANF/SNAP Benefit Verification from DSS  (if applicable)

12.Eligibility Verification Documents

13.Drug Testing/Background Acknowledgement form (Attachment U)

14.ETPL Acknowledgement Form

15.Individual Employment Plan and any revisions

16.WIOA/TAA Training Services Budget (if applicable)

17.Time/Attendance Records 

18.Semester Grades/Progress Reports

19.Credential attainment documentation

20.Nepotism Statement (if applicable)

21.Verification of Employment in 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th quarters after exit, if required

22.Change Requests completed by the LWDA


Daily Double!!!!!!

What are two types of data Validation?

1. report validation 

2. data element validation. 

 Report validation is intended to verify reports generated from participant data reported in SCWOS are correct.  Data element validation verifies that documentation to support various data items is accurate.