When should I arrive at work?
Get there a few minutes early.
What about cellphones or electronic devices?
Silence them, turn them off, and put them away.
Someone is speaking, so I should....
listen and wait to respond until they are done
My boss tells me I might do a different job tomorrow....
I need to be flexible.
What's a good thing to do first when I get to work?
Take care of restroom breaks if you need to.
What should I do with food, candy, or drinks?
Unless you have medical permission, put everything away until break or meal times.
What to say when you need help.
Say "Please" when asking for help and "Thank You" when someone helps you.
I made a mistake at my job....
Let your job coach or supervisor know. We are all human!!!
What's the best way to get to my work area?
Walk quietly and try not to disturb other workers.
What should I be paying attention to?
The tasks I am assigned to finish.
If your boss gives you a pay raise....
Don't brag about it.
I don't like a workplace policy.....
Follow the policy. Talk to your job coach, and work as a team to solve your problem.
What should you do if you need to use the restroom in the middle of your workday?
Let your job coach or supervisor know.
What about eye contact?
When speaking to someone, make good eye contact with them.
If someone is having a difficult day....
Say or do something kind to make them feel better.
If your co-worker gossips about another worker......
Tell your co-worker that conversation is not appropriate, and you need to get back to work.
What about clothing, grooming etc.?
Make sure to practice good hygiene come to work in clean clothing that fits the job you have.
What about working during the COVID pandemic?
Always wear a face mask, and try to maintain social distancing (6 feet apart). Sometimes that can be hard!
You are done with eating lunch....
Clean up your space for the next person to sit down and eat.
Your boss wants you to learn a new skill....
Tell your boss you will try your best.