First Impressions
Personal Budgets
Workplace Behaviors
What should you not do at an interview?
be on your phone, look disinterested, be late, wear dirty clothes, be rude, etc.
What should you always do the first time you meet someone?
Introduce yourself
Where can you look up a career?
On a website, on job boards, from friends or family
Why is it important to have a budget?
to know where your money is going and how to plan for things you need or want.
Is it ok to have a cell phone at work?
yes, as long as it does not interfere with work, usually on it  during your break times. May need to keep it on vibrate or low volume.
Give an example of a question that you would ask at an interview.
What would my job duties look like? Is there any training or certifications? When will you know your decision?
What should you wear when meeting a potential employer?
Dress to impress, nice clean clothes, slacks, shirt, nice dress shoes, a dress or slacks for a girl.
Name 3 careers that require a high school diploma.
police officer, nurse, laywer
Explain the difference between a need and a want.

A need is something you need to have: food, shelter and clothing

A want is something that you'd like to have but don't really need it to live.

Name 3 inappropriate workplace behaviors.
yelling, telling someone off, destroying any property
How early should you be at your interview?
5 to 10 minutes
Name 3 things that make a good impression at an interview.
Good eye contact, being engaged with the conversation, and dress nice to impress.
List at least 3 careers that need a college degree.
Nurse, doctor, lawyer
Name 3 things you can put in your budget.
bus money, gas money, entertainment
Give me an example of a good workplace behavior
Helping a customer, who is looking for an item in the store. Being nice to co-worker even if they are having a bad day.
What should you do before and after an interview?
Greet the person who is interviewing you and thank them at the end. shake their hand.
Leaving ear buds in, having dirty fingernails, and ______ would make a poor first impression.
any answer that is not good. (wrinkled clothes)
I design and draw illustrations to promote a product, idea, or event. Who am I?
Advertising Agent
What three categories are always included in a budget?
 Rent, food and utilities
Following safety rules, admitting your mistakes, and _____ are appropriate workplace behaviors.
helping a co-worker, helping a customer, etc
What 3 things should you do to prepare for an interview
Get clothes ready, have copies of resume, and have personal ID with you.
When meeting someone for the first time what 3 things should you do?
Smile, make eye contact and shake their hand.
What skills do you need to work in the Hospitality Industry? (name at least 3 )
good attitude, great people skills and a friendly face.
Describe the difference between income and expense.

Income is the money you make from your job.

Expense are bills you pay for things, like rent, food, gas, electricity, water bill or car payment.

Name a workplace setting where shouting across the room would be acceptable and another where it would NOT be acceptable.

shouting across the room would be in a construction job.

In an office setting for accounting would not be acceptable to shout across the hall.