VR stands for -
What is Vocational Rehabilitation?
Students in 504 will not qualify for services. Yes/No
What is NO? Students with 504 plans may apply for services and qualify as eligible for services depending on the type of disability and resulting barrier to employment.
Customers who are blind or visually impaired are served by a special caseload. Yes/No
What is Yes? Jennifer is the counselor for our region who serves blind and visually impaired individuals.
Pre - ETS stands for-
What is pre employment transition services?
Students may receive financial assistance to attend college. Yes/No
What is Yes? Students must qualify to receive help, but students that meet the financial criteria may receive assistance to attend post-secondary training.
Any person with a disability will qualify for VR services. Yes/No
What is no? A person with a disability must also have a substantial barrier to employment and VR services are required to achieve, regain, retain, or advance in employment.
Exception - customers who apply as potentially eligible may receive limited services based on a documented disability. Records are generally an ARD or 504 records for these customers.
Students must go through an evaluation to be determined eligible for services. Yes/No
What is NO? Our agency makes every effort to use exiting documentation.
WIOA stands for -
What is Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act?
Introduced the new eligibility status of Potentially Eligible. This was a means to give access to Pre-ETS activities. It is not meant to circumvent the VR process. When it is realized that other services are needed an appliation for services must be completed.
The type of eligibility that does not require financial information.
What is Potentially Eligible?
A computer with technology used by a student in college is an example of -
What is an accommodation that our agency can assist with purchasing?
Students throughout the region have a specific counselor to work with them. Yes/No
What is Yes? A TVRC is assigned to particular schools in the Panhandle Region to provide services to that particular school.
A person with an emotional disturbance will not be determined eligible for services. Yes/No
What is NO? A student record indicating ED may require more documentation from a physician to obtain a more specific diagnosis to determine eligibility.
Moving from high school to successful work or independent living.
What is the purpose of Transition?
Job readiness and career exploration are types of these.
What are Pre-ETS services?
The name of the program allowing internships at a hospital in Amarillo.
What is Project SEARCH? Currently there is a program at NWTH. This is with AISD, NWTH, our agency, and Quest Employment Services.
Age a student must be to receive VR services.
What is age 14? A student is eligible for the transition program between age 14 to 22.
To be determined eligible with a mental impairment a customer must -
What is the customer must be currently receiving needed medication or therapeutic treatment; or willing to participate in a recommended treatment plan such as counseling services.
Self-advocacy, counseling for post-secondary options, and work-based learning.
What are some services that can be provided to Potentially Eligible students?
A specific service that is no longer provided under Pre ETS/Potentially Eligible guidelines.
What is job skills training?
Placement for SEAL and a Paid Work Experience may be provided, but not the additional skills training. To receive these services the student must be determined eligible for services and have developed a plan of services,IPE, with the TVRC.
Job coaching, job placement, purchase of tools and equipment, and assistive technology are all examples of -
What are services provided by Texas Workforce Solutions? These services can be provided to eligible customers who ae students or adults.
VR services is only concerned with persons with disabilities. Yes/No
What is NO? VR also helps businesses recruit, retain, and accommodate employees with disabilities.
Eligibility is determined immediately by the counselor. Yes/NO
What is NO? Eligibility involves four factors: Having a disability, functional limitations, needing services to help obtain, retain, advance in employment, and that the customer can have an employment outcome.
A customer may not receive services after age 22. Yes/No
What is NO? A customer can continue to receive services. His case will be transferred to an adult caseload counselor.
Entering the World of Work is an example of one of these.
What is a job readiness class/VAT? These can be provided in the high school.
Inviting TVRC to ARD meetings, hosting meetings, and providing information are all examples of -
What is how Texas Workforce and the school personnel can continue to work together?