My Place in the Hierarchy
Workin' 9 to 5
Tools of the Trade
I Can't Make It To Work Today Because...
Ancient Egyptian Words

I am at the top of the social hierarchy and I am believed to the son of Horus. 

Who is the Pharaoh? 


The number of days in an Ancient Egyptian week. 

What is ten? 


Lamps were given to the workers in the dark tombs and the workers put this into the oil so that the lamps wouldn't smoke and destroy the paintings. 

What is salt?


H _ _ g _ _ _ r

What is a hangover?


The second in charge of Egypt, both of the Chiefs of the Gang were answerable to him. 

Who is the Vizier? 


You don't want to be me! I am a captured prisoner of war and I do all of the hard labour for no reward! 

What are the slaves?


The number of days in a row that the villagers worked in each shift. 

What is eight? 


This person kept scrupulous records of the tools that were handed out, otherwise they might never come back!

Who is the scribe?


_ c _ _ _ _ _ _ . b _ _ _

What is a scorpion bite? 


Ancient Egypt was divided up into these, each area with its own Noble who owned and governed the land.  

What is a nome? 


We are important because we have the skills to make the Pharaohs beloved tombs, like painting, carpentry and cutting stone.

Who are the skilled artisans and craftsmen?


These guys work in pairs and are the foremen who looked after the organisation of work at Deir El-Medina.  

Who are the Chiefs of the Gangs?

The tools and equipment used to build the royal tombs were kept here and was looked after by the Guardians of the tomb.

What is the Storehouse? 


_ _ e . d _ _ _ _ _ _ 

What is an eye-disease?

A type of wheat that the Ancient Egyptians harvested and used to make bread, a staple of their diet. 

What is emmer? 


I write in hieroglyphics or hieratic and I record things like salaries and taxes paid, gifts presented to the Gods and food supplies.

Who is the Scribe?


There were two of these types of leaders and were often the sons of the Chiefs of the Gangs, an ancient example that it isn't what you know, it's who you know that counts! 

Who are the deputies? 


Building temples was thirsty work, so these people brought water to the village from the Nile, which was too far for an important tomb builder to walk to.

Who are the water carriers? 


f _ _ _ _ y . e _ _ _ _ 

What is a family event? 


A unit of weight used to measure how valuable items were in Ancient Egypt. For the record, 1 _ _ _ _ _ = 91 grams of copper

What is a deben?


I am quite high up on the hierarchy, but not the highest. It is my connection to the Gods in a religious society that gives me importance. 

Who are the priests?

There are two of these and they restricted access to Deir El-Medina and the tomb area. Think of them as like modern day police. 

Who are the medjay? 


This tool was used to measure the tombs, but Kha's golden one probably wouldn't have left his mantlepiece. 

What is a cubit? 

W _ _ _ _ _ g . _ o _ . a . _ _ p _ _ _ _ r

What is working for a superior? 


A natural salt found in dry lake beds that was delivered to the villagers in Deir El-Medina as part of their rations.

What is natron?