Observations and inferences
Drawing Graphs
What usually follows an observation?
An inference is usually made after an observation.
How many variables should be deliberately changed in an experiment?
Only one variable should be changed in an experiment.
Degrees Kelvin, Fahrenheit, and Celsius are all measurements of what?
They are measurements of temperature.
What are results first entered into before creating a graph?
They are recorded into tables.
What two types of error are there?
The two types of error are random and systematic.
What is an issue regarding inferences?
Humans that make them have a tendency to reach conclusions quickly and many inferences are incorrect.
What is a correlation between variables?
A correlation is when one variable affects another in some way.
What units are generally used to measure microscopic distances.
Milli, micro and nano meters.
On which axis is the dependent variables placed?
It is placed on the y axis.
A scientist used the safety flame throughout an experiment when the instructions stated that the blue flame was to be used. What type of error did he make?
This was a systematic error as it occurred consistently for the duration of the experiment.
What is an observation?
It is a what is is noticed about an event, person or surroundings, which is usually written as a description for others to read and develop and test ideas as to why what is noticed occurs.
One variable increased when the other did as well. This is said to be what sort of relationship?
A direct relationship.
From what position should you note a reading of a measurement of an instrument such as a speedometer or ruler?
Level with the reading. Not from above or below.
Are predictions made within graphed results less or more accurate than those made outside of graphed results?
Predictions made within results are more accurate, because they are not subject to unforeseeable changes different to patterns existing within results.
Is human error a classification of error?
No. Errors are noted as either random or systematic.
What flaws exist about observations, in particular, written ones?
They can be interpreted in different ways by different people, allowing incorrect conclusions to be made (if not enough testing is done to disprove such a conclusion).
What variables may affect the drop time of a parachute?
The size of the parachute, the surface area of the parachute, the drop height, the weight of any attached objects, the material of the parachute, the airflow in the room, the temperature in the room, the amount of individuals in the room, the level of oxygen in the room, the length of the parachute cord, the materials used in the parachute cord and the shape of the parachute may all affect the drop time.
What will affect measurements taken by a ruler? The width of the ruler, the unit of measurement on the ruler, or the fact that the ruler starts at one centimetre and the scientist doing the experiment has not allowed for this?
The fact that the ruler begins at one centimetre and the scientist has not allowed for it, will produce a systematic error.
What is extrapolation of a graph?
It is making estimations based on the patterns shown by the graph, on values that fall outside what has been graphed.
What is parallax error?
Parallax error occur when a measurement on a ruler or scale is observed on an angle and the reading is noted as being different to what looking at the instrument directly would give.
Which are more accurate? Observations of inferences?
Observations are usually more accurate because they entail only what occurs and are less likely to prove false.
Does the dependent variable need to be controlled in an experiment?
No. It should not be controlled because it is reliant on the independent variable, which should be controlled, along with all the other variables.
Measurements are generally found in what type of results? Qualitative or quantitative?
They are usually found in quantitative results.
When should a bar graph be used as opposed to an xy scatter?
It should be used when one variable conists of differing named items instead of various quantitites.
What is validity?
Validity is a measure of if an experiment is valid. Did it test the hypothesis, were the right variables tested and was the conclusion relevant? These are questions which can be asked to assess vailidity.