Eazy Peezy!!!
We On to Something!!!!!
Wait, What Did You Say?
It's Getting Hot in Here!
My Math Ain't Mathing!

You hand a clerk $100 and your bill is $52.81. How much change should you receive?

What is $47.19 

You should receive $100 - $52.81  = $47.19


Each day a waiter comes home from work and puts some of his tips into a jar. The jar started with $28.50, and the waiter added $12.50 a day for 30 work days. How much money is in the jar?

What is $403.50

The jar contains $28.5 + 30 x $12.5 = $403.5


Devin just bought a new car jack. The manufacturer specified that it’s safe to lift up to 1.5 tons with the jack. How many pounds is this?

What is 3000lbs

The jack is cleared for 1.5 tons x 2000 lb/ton = 3000 tons


You work for a pet trainer who has asked you to create a rectangular pen for dog training purposes. You will use chicken coop wire to construct the sides of the pen. The pen is supposed to be 42.6 feet long and 28.5 feet wide. How many feet of chicken coop wire are needed to form the pen?

What is 142.2 feet


You are the head of marketing for a company that is expanding overseas. You have a 210 page employee manual that must be translated into Chinese for the new offices. The company We Translate for You charges $2.75 per page for translation. Their competitor, Translationary, charges $2.35 per page and a $6.25 administrative fee per project. What is the least amount of money you will have to spend to translate the manual?

What is $499.75


The grocery store has vegetables on sale for 25% off. As a fraction, how much of the total price has been discounted?

What is 1/4

25% is the same as 1/4


You are the manager of a popular bakery. You have 13 3/5 pounds of flour but need four times that amount for today’s baking.  How much more flour will you need?

What is 40 4/5lb

Assume that 13 3/5 is 1/4 of the flour needed. 13.6 times 4 equals 54.4.  Subtract the amount you already have (54.4 minus 13.6) equals 40.8 more pounds.


Luanne needs a 2 3/4 inch bolt to complete a project. When she gets to the hardware store, the type of bolt that she wants is measured in centimeters. What length of bolt comes closest to what she needs?

What is 7cm

The length of bolt coming the closest is 2 3/4 in x 2.54 cm/in = 6.985 cm ≈ 7 cm


You are employed at the local grocery store.  One of your customers has called in an order for fifteen pounds of the cheapest fruit in the store.  Five pounds of apples is marked $6.95, a four pounds of tangerines are $4.50, and six pounds of oranges are $7.25.  The manager will let a customer buy any amount needed. How much will the customer pay for fifteen pounds of the cheapest fruit?

What is $16.88

Find the cost of one pound of each fruit:   $6.95/5 = $1.39; $4.50 /4 = $1.13; $7.25/6 = $1.21.  The cheapest fruit is the tangerines.  Multiply $1.13 times 15.  She must pay $16.88.  


You work as a residential painter. A customer wants two tables and eight chairs painted using one coat of the same color paint. Each table requires 158 quarts of paint, and each chair requires 23 quarts of paint. How many total quarts of paint should you bring to paint this furniture?

What is 500 quarts


Over the past 6 days you’ve spent $8, $14, $12, $11, $5, and $13 dollars on food. On average, how much per day are you spending on food?

What is $10.50


You are the dean of ABC University’s highly rated nursing program.  Along with its other health care systems, two- fifths of the University’s students choose the nursing program.  Only 1/5 of the nursing students complete the course and pass the boards.  If eighteen hundred students enroll in the University’s programs, how many certified nurses should the program expect?

What is 144

This is a two-step solution.  First, find the number of students who choose to enter the nursing program:  1800 (2/5) = 720.  Then, calculate the number of nursing students expected to pass the certification boards:  720 (1/5) = 144.  


Cassandra can buy a new Wi-Fi router for $50 or rent one from the internet provider for $5 a month. After a year goes by, how much would she have saved by purchasing her own Wi-Fi router?

What is $10

She would save 12 months x $5/month - $50 = $10


You work for a waste removal company. The trailer of one of your dump trucks is 10 feet wide, 15 feet long, and 6.5 feet high. If a ton of debris equals 200 cubic feet, how many trucks are needed to cart away 45 tons of debris from a demolition site?

What is 10 trucks


You are the owner of a toy store and are preparing to make a donation to a local children's hospital. You must prepare 320 teddy bears to include in your donation. Your associate can prepare 8 teddy bears an hour and uses 34 a yard of ribbon in doing so. She needs you to buy the ribbon, but the craft store only sells ribbon in feet. How many feet of ribbon are needed?

What is 4,080 feet


You are designing division problems as part of your job as math teacher.  The problem asked the students to divide the sum of 14 and -2 into the difference of 44 and 20.  What was the correct  answer?

What is 2

First, find the sum of 14 + -2 = 12.  Then, find the difference between 44 – 20 = 24.  Then, divide the two numbers:  24/12 = 2.  


At the end of the day, a local bakery sold 83 cakes and had to throw out 7 cakes due to baking errors. Each cake cost the bakery $6.25 to make. The bakery, in turn, sold each cake for $12.75. What was the total profit earned by the bakery today?

What is $495.75


You have been hired to build a small enclosed garden for a customer. Based on a do-it-yourself guide from a gardening magazine, you need the following materials: • Four 8 ft. × 6 in. × 6 in. wooden beams • Two bags of fertilizer • Twelve bags of potting soil • One watering hose The beams cost $15.00 per cubic foot, one bag of potting soil costs $12.25, one bag of fertilizer costs $21.50, and the watering hose costs $55.00. Sales tax is 5.5%. What is the total cost, including tax, of the materials needed to build the garden?

What is $385.08


Amazon Company donates 2% of the sales of its killer whale stuffed animal toy to a charity focused on protecting these animals. Each toy sells for $25. Last year the company donated $1,699.50 to the charity, based on sales of the toy. How many of the killer whale stuffed animal toys did Amazoo sell last year?

What is 3,399

First, determine 2% of $25 to find how much is donated for each toy sold:

0.02($25) = $0.50 donated for each toy sold

Next, determine how many toys would need to be sold to result in a total donation of $1699.50:

$1699.50 ÷ $0.50 per toy = 3,399 toys


You work at the front desk of a luxury hotel. Guests staying at the hotel have two options for accessing the hotel's wireless internet. The first involves a charge of $25 a day plus ten cents for every minute connected to the network. The second is a flat fee of $60 per day with unlimited access. How many hours would a guest who is staying at the hotel for three days need to spend on the internet during that time to save money by using the second option?

What is 350 min or 5.83 hours


A high school student earns $65 for mowing one customer's lawn. If he mows 13 lawns in one week, how much money will he earn for that week?

What is 845


You are the conductor of a freight train. Your overnight route requires you to haul cargo to a depot 264 miles away. If you can travel an average speed of 55 miles per hour, how long will it take the train to reach the depot?

What is 4 hours and 48 minutes


At the Farmer’s Mart this week several venders are selling sweet potatoes.  Farmer Joe’s potatoes are selling at 5 pounds bag for $3.50.  Farmer Judy sells the same type of potatoes for $0.65 per pound.  Farmer Frank’s potatoes are $0.75 per pound or a 10- pound bag for $6.75.  Farmer Andrew has the large economy box of 20 pounds for $10.  You need 8 pounds of potatoes for a dinner you are catering.  Who should you shop with for the least cost?

What is Farmer Judy

Some of the potatoes are sold in bags or boxes (Farmer Joe’s in 5-pound bags; Farmer Frank’s in 10-pound bags; and Farmer Andrew sells a 20-pound box).  These prices are good, but you do not need the extra potatoes.  Farmer Judy sells potatoes for $0.65 per pound.  Eight pounds will cost only $5.20.  


You work in the kitchen at a summer camp and must make a batch of sports drink for the campers on a hot day. You mix the drink in a container with sides measuring 1 foot by 1.5 feet by 3 feet. After filling the container with water, you must add two scoops of drink mix for each gallon of water. How many scoops of drink mix are needed to make a full batch, rounded to the nearest scoop?

What is 67 scoops


You need to put oil into the gearbox of a rebuilt machine tool. The gearbox holds 16.3 liters of oil but the only oil you have is in 1-quart containers. How many of the 1-quart containers of oil will you need to fill the gearbox with 16.3 liters of oil?

What is 18 1-quart containers