What is the new medical assistant's name?
What kind of car does Ashley drive?
white honda civic hybrid
Who does Julia love the most (in the whole of creation)?
How do you say "Merry Christmas" in Spanish?
Feliz Navidad
What is a heifer?
a female cow that has not given birth
How many half sheets are allowed on the counter at a time?
What is Dr. Pattersons drink order?
swig - endless summer, guava have it
blackrock - pop!
What is Ashleys favorite candy?
life saver gummies or lindt chocolate
Three of Santa's reindeer's names begin with the letter "D." What are those names?
Dancer, Dasher and Donner
Which item of food never spoils?
What injection(s) are typically performed under fluoro?
TMT, MTP, NC, ST, etc.
When did Saige start working at OAZ?
August 2023
Where did Dr. Patterson fall down the stairs?
What was the first company that used Santa Claus in advertising?
Coca Cola
What are the four houses of Harry Potter?
Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw, and Slytherin
How many X-ray views of a knee do you order for a 12-year-old?
When did Danielle give birth?
September 24
What is Danielles middle name?
In Home Alone, where are the McCallisters going on vacation when they leave Kevin behind?
How many feet are in a mile?
Which physical therapist do patients typically rave about?
What is Saige's older sister's name?
July 5th 2024
In which country did the tradition of putting up a Christmas tree originate?
What is the nautical term for the right side of a boat?