You'll want to make a good one of these if you want to be taken seriously
What is first impression?
This is a key component to workplace ethics and behavior when employee is being honest and doing the right thing at all times
A skill that is learned about how we talk to others effectively
What is professionalism?
A particular set of values and workplace behavior, ranging from appropriate attire to considerate treatment of coworkers.
The time it takes to make a first impression.
What is 6 seconds?
A vital aspect of the workplace is working well with others. That includes everyone from colleagues to supervisors.
Identify 3 Dos of Professionalism in the Workplace.
Do arrive early •Do be willing to engage a coworker who asks for your help •Do be flexible •Do always wear a smile •Do dress to impress. •Do communicate clearly and effectively
Who does professional behavior impact?
Entire organization, supervisors, & co-workers
This is the amount of judgement calls typically made during the first impression.
What is 11?
Taking responsibility for your actions when it comes to workplace ethics and behavior.
Nothing can produce better results and ultimately a better impression than maintaining a ___________ attitude.
Name 3 examples of professional behavior.
Good time management, appropriate attire, respect for self/others, etc.
Excluding clothing and overall demeanor, this is sometimes overlooked but very important part of professionalism.
What is proper hygiene?
Being friendly, polite and well mannered with a gracious consideration towards others.
Identify 3 don'ts in professionalism in the workplace.
•Don’t be afraid to ask questions, despite how silly you think they seem. •Don't gossip •Don't arrive to work late •Don't put up embarrassing and inappropriate content on your social network profiles – they could come back to haunt you at the worst possible time.
How is professionalism in the workplace judged?
Your image/presentation, the way you communicate with others, job performance/general conduct
Dressing in properly fitting and professionally appropriate attire clothing establishes this.
What is credibility?
This characteristic includes positive and virtuous attributes such as truthfulness, loyalty, fairness and sincerity
what are some important elements for making first impression?
• Demonstrate confidence • Show up early • Dress nicely • Show interest in your coworkers • Smile and show that you are enthusiastic about your job
This is a series of actions deemed acceptable in the workplace; a way of conducting oneself that includes respect for others and courtesy for others in the workplace
Professional behavior