True or False: Experiences outside of work can affect your professional behavior at work.
This is someone who learns best by hearing.
Auditory Learner
Something achieved within a time frame as little as a day, but no longer than a year.
Short Term Goal
A formal, written, document listing your knowledge, skills, and abilities for employers
Name two examples of a fixed expense
Mortgage, rent, loan payments. etc.
True or False: Your behavior reflects your personality.
This learning style means someone learns best by seeing.
Visual learner
Something achieved that takes about 5-10 years to complete.
Long Term Goal
If we're giving a resume' to a potential employer, what always goes with it?
Cover Letter
Another term for "Take Home Pay"
Net Income
True or False: You can only set career goals.
Abilities that can be used in many jobs across different career fields.
Transferrable Skills
What does SMART stand for in SMART Goals.
Time-Bound, Time-Based, Timed
What is one thing that should never go on a resume' or cover letter?
Private, personal information such as social security number.
Provide one example of Extrinsic Motivation
Money, status, praise from others, property or tangible things.
(Buying a house, making a certain amount of money, making family proud, buying a dream car)
True or False: The only way to set a goal is to make it a SMART Goal.
A person's ability to interact with people such as bosses, coworkers, customers and others in the workplace.
Interpersonal Skills/ Interpersonal communication
What is one strategy you can use to achieve long term goals?
break the large goal into several short term goals.
What 3 things belong in a job portfolio?
Resume'. Cover Letter. Professional References.
Accepting the consequences of either meeting our responsibilities or not.
True or False: A cover letter can be more than one page long and should be a personal narrative of your life and personality.
These are abilities that only apply to certain jobs or a certain career field.
Job Specific Skills
What are 2 benefits of using goals in your life?
Clearer career plans, self confidence, motivation. Focus. Overcoming procrastination, fear, or failure.
What kind of information belongs in paragraph 1 of a cover letter?
Introduction. The job you're interested in. If someone referred you. Details about your interest in the company or position.
Another form of a Professional Reference. Often, this document is provided when someone applies for scholarships.
Letter of Recommendation