Workplace Ethics/Integrity
Interpersonal Skills/Teamwork

What is integrity?

Integrity is the quality of having strong ethical or moral principles and following them at all times, no matter who's watching.


What is professionalism?

Professionalism is conducting oneself with responsibility, integrity, accountability, and excellence. It means communicating effectively and appropriately and always finding a way to be productive.


List 3 different forms of written communication.




Written policies - such as safety procedures

Equipment manuals - with directions on how to complete different processes


What are interpersonal skills?

The ability to communicate with the people around you and convey the message you want them to receive. These are traits you rely on when you communicate with other people.


What is motivation?

Motivation is an internal drive that causes people to behave a certain way to meet a need. It is essential for people to perform their jobs in a productive and high quality manner


What are the three questions to ask yourself during the ethical decision-making process?

1. Is there an ethical violation?

2. Should I do something?

3. What is the best solution?


Name 3 professional traits.

  • Accountable/responsible

  • Ethical

  • Team oriented

  • Written and oral communication skills

  • Interpersonal communication

  • Ability to problem solve


Which of the following is not a good tip to use for business writing?

1. Write using simple, direct language.

2. Use big words to impress your supervisor and coworkers. 

3. Identify your main point or theme. Imagine that you have only 15 seconds to explain your point.

4. Eliminate phrases that are unclear such as "a bit," "a while," or "longer." Give specific numbers or descriptive words.

Use big words to impress your supervisor and coworkers.


Name 3 interpersonal skills.

Confidence and Empathy

Friendliness and Respect

Conflict Management


What are the three theories of motivation?

  1. Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs

  2. David McClelland’s Theory of Needs

  3. Victor Vroom’s Expectancy Theory of Motivation


Name 3 examples of workplace situations where an employee faced a lapse in judgment. 

1. You call in sick to your supervisor because it’s a beautiful day and you decide to go to the beach, or shopping.

2. You work in a restaurant in which wait staff tips are shared equally, and you withhold a portion of your tips from the common pot before the tips are divided.

3. You claim credit for the work of another employee, or you fail to give public credit to a coworker's contribution, when you share results, make a presentation, turn in a report, or in any other way appear to be the sole owner of a work product or results.


According to one of your videos, what is the quickest way to be let go?

1. Being late

2. Taking too much time to finish a project

3. Goofing around on the job

4. Being dishonest

Being dishonest


Which of the following is NOT a benefit of Active Listening?

1. Active Listening to someone else's perspective offers you an opportunity to consider a perspective about an work problem that you may not have thought of.

2. Active Listening enables you to understand what someone is saying when they speak another language.

3. Active Listening also includes interpreting non-verbal cues such as facial expressions and physical posture.

2. Active Listening enables you to understand what someone is saying when they speak another language.


What happens in the storming stage of team building?

The team members:

1. Realize the task is more difficult than they imagined

2. Have fluctuations in attitude about their chances success

3. May be resistent to the task

4. Experience poor collaboration


Explain the 3 motivation factors discussed in David McClelland's Theory of Needs.

  • Achievement – doing something better

  • Power – The desire to influence others

  • Affiliation – The need to maintain positive relationships with others


Explain the difference between hard skills and soft skills.

Hard Skills: Technicial and specific skills needed for a certain career

Soft Skills: Work readiness skills, transferrable skills, work ethic, etc. 


Donna is a welder with Rodgers Construction Company.  She leaves for work in the morning and arrives every day at 6:45 am even though she starts at 7 am. She makes sure she is wearing her reinforced work boots and has her welder's jacket, helmet, and gloves to keep her safe on the job.  She focuses on her projects during the entire day. She does not typically leave early, but if she needs to, she talks with her supervisor in advance of that day. This is an example of what trait of professionalism?



Name 3 nonverbal signs of active listening.

Eye contact

Head nodding

Facing the person/leaning towards the speaker


Name the 5 stages of team building.

1. Forming

2. Storming

3. Norming

4. Performing

5. Adjourning


What is the difference between leadership and management?

A manager’s job is to plan, organize, and control, while a leader’s role is to inspire and guide.


In the U.S. Dept of Labor Competency Model, where do workplace skills, also known as Personal Effectiveness Competencies, fit in?

1. At the top of the pyramid.

2. In the middle of the pyramid.

3. At the base of the pyramid.

4. They do not fit into the model.

3. At the base of the pyramid. These include:

Interpersonal skills & Teamwork





Lifelong Learning


What are the components of a SWOT Analysis and why is it important to complete one in your career? 

A SWOT Analysis helps you assess internal factors that might affect your business (strengths and weaknesses) and external factors (opportunities and threats). It is a vital practice for informed decision making and strategic planning. 


What is paraphrasing and why is it an important aspect of effective communication?

Paraphrasing is an effective form of verbal feedback to use when listening, however it is not simply repetition or “parroting,” but restating another person’s statement in your own words to gain understanding.

Paraphrasing enables the listener to clarify the speaker’s meaning and it conveys interest in what the speaker is saying and helps create a supportive environment for the conversation.


What are blind spots and how do they become a challenge in building good work relationships?

A blind spot is something that others perceive and can see in you, but you cannot see it yourself. The problem is those blind spots deteriorate the relationship between you and your team members and could impair the results you can generate.


Explain the difference between autocractic, democratic, and laissez-faire leadership styles.

1. Autocratic: Authoritarian syle; they make decisions and tell others what to do

2. Democratic: Make decisions based on input from others. People are encouraged to share ideas. Leader will evaluate the ideas and come to a decision reflecting the collective ideas

3. Laissez-Faire: Allows team members to make their own decisions without input; employees have complete freedom