Emergency Codes
Ready Reliable Care
Emergency Response

There’s been a bomb threat and we need to begin a search.

What is Code Black?


A sentinel event, an unexpected event involving death or serious physical or psychological injury to a patient, is an example of this type of event.

What is an Adverse Event?


All MHS efforts to become a high reliability organization (HRO).

What is Ready Reliable Care?


These include hand hygiene, safety-engineered devices, safe work practices and the use of PPE such as gloves, gowns, eye protection, and masks whenever touching or exposure to blood, body fluids, non-intact skin, or mucous membranes

What are Standard Precautions?


These are the three types of crash carts used on LDRP.

What is the Adult Crash cart, Kangaroo bag, and the Neonatal/Maternal code purple cart?


There is a fire and the building/zone needs to be evacuated as appropriate.

What is Code Red?


These are the steps to report a PSR during downtime.

What is complete a JPSR Offline Report Form (found on the BJACH intranet) and submit to the Patient Safety Manager (Mr. Newman)?


Leadership Commitment, Culture of Safety, Continuous Process Improvement, and Patient Centeredness.

What are the Ready Reliable Care Domains of Change?


This clearly shows how equipment should be used, maintained, and cleaned.

What is a manufacturer instructions for use (IFU)?


These are the times the crash carts are checked on LDRP.

What is Morning and Evening shifts?


A cardiac or respiratory arrest and has a team response.

What is a Code Blue?


Ways staff at BJACH are educated on patient confidentiality and Protected Health Information (PHI).

What is initial and annual/refresher training on: HIPAA, Cyber Awareness, and Sign an Acceptable Use Policy (AUP)?


Preoccupation with Failure, Sensitivity to Operations, Deference to Expertise, Respect for People, Commitment to Resilience, Consistency of Purpose, and Reluctance to Simplify.

What are the Ready Reliable Care Principles?


These organisms are found in blood and certain other body fluids that, if transmitted, are capable of causing disease in another person. Examples: HIV, Hepatitis B, and Hepatitis C.

What are Bloodborne pathogens?


These are the steps to exchange a crash cart.

What is Unit brings new cart from SPD to the floor, Unit brings open medication cart to pharmacy, and Unit brings open cart to SPD?


The process to call a code blue at BJACH.

What is push the code blue button (if available), dial 3800 and overhead announce type, location, and room number of code, and repeat announcement three times?


When both an ECN sticker and an inspection sticker are displayed.

How do you know medical equipment has been inspected and approved?


Better Health, Lower Cost, Better Care, and Improved Readiness.

What is the MHS Quadruple Aim and High Reliability?


This is the cleaning product used in LDRP and its wet time.

What is CaviWipes/Cavicide Spray (3 minutes)?


This Emergency code is triggered when the postpartum mother has >1000ml blood loss and requires a Neonatal/Maternal Emergency Resuscitation with a team response.

What is a Code Purple


A combative person and select personnel respond.

What is a Code Green?


Immediately assess the patient, replace defective device with a backup or similar function device. Collect and secure all evidence, submit a PSR, and contact hospital Patient Safety. Turn in all consumables/disposables (items used in conjunction with the device at time of failure) for further testing.

What do you do if a medical device malfunctions while being used on a patient?


Drive zero harm by anticipating and addressing risks.

What is Preoccupation with failure (principle of RRC)?


These are the steps when using Renuzyme.

  • 1. Point of use pre-cleaning; 
  • 2. Place “soiled” instruments in a locking bio-hazard tray and transport to soiled utility room; 
  • 3. Don PPE (eye and face protection, gloves, and as applicable…gown); 
  • 4. Spray Renuzyme Foam Spay onto pre-cleaned instruments from 6-8 inches away 5-10 times to effectively cover instruments. Do not allow instruments to dry out; 
  • 5. If unable to transport to SPD immediately, cover with moist towel and transport within 24 hours.

These are the meanings of the acronyms used to a) guide our fire response in an active zone and b) the steps used when operating the Fire Extinguisher.

  • What is RACE: Rescue people in immediate danger, Alarm: pull the fire alarm and call 911, Contain: close doors in the fire area, Extinguish small fires and evacuate?
  • What is PASS: Pull the pin, Aim at the base of the fire, Squeeze the handle, Sweep back and forth?