What is a team?
A group of people who work together to achieve a common goal.
Which Riverview Gardens School was the first to offer our ENAL afterschool program.
Koch Elementary
What is Collaboration?
Where teamwork are encouraged to share and evaluate ideas.
What is Empathy?
Feeling sorry for someone due to experiencing the same situation.
Board Member, Elizabeth Perkins, holds what position?
What are the Aspects of Teamwork?
Training, Team Planning, Team Goals, Assigning Roles, Agreements, Sharing Responsibility/Leadership
What is the mission of The SoulFisher Ministries?
The mission of The SoulFisher Ministries is to respond to the needs of youth with incarcerated parents and to promote restorative justice for those currently or formerly incarcerated.'
What prisons do AGAPE service?
WERDCC, Chilli
Members are usually assigned tasks based on their ______ and __________.
Skills and Experience
What do the acronyms ENAL and AGAPE stand for?
E.N.A.L.= Educate Now to Achieve Later (ENAL)
Adult General Academic Program of Education (AGAPE)