Dressing Appropriately
First Impressions
Interactions With Others
Email Etiquette

Should you wear jeans to an interview?



When you meet someone for the 1st time you should give a firm....



Name two topics you should not discuss at work

Religion, politics, drinking/drugs, sexual behavior, health, mental health, controversial topics


You've gone to the office fridge to retrieve your lunch and discover that someone has sampled your food. You:

(A) Label your lunch next time with your name.
(B) Set up a video camera in the kitchen to catch the person

(C) Talk about it to your colleagues and check if they had done it.
(D) Add laxatives in your food.

(A) Label your lunch next time with your name.


Which of the following is acceptable in work emails?

A-slang; B-swears; C-improper grammar; D-spelling errors; E-none of the above

E-none of the above


Who determines what attire is appropriate for work?

The company or your supervisor/boss


When you are speaking to someone, where should you look?

Directly in their eyes


What should you do if you have to work on a project with a coworker you don't like?
A-ask to be moved off the project; B-ignore them completely and do it yourself; C-be polite and work with them anyway; D-make fun of them while working on the project

C-be polite and work with them anyway


If you have a meeting at 9:00, what time should you be there?

5-10 minutes early (8:50 or 8:55)


If someone sends you an angry email, is it appropriate to respond back with an angry email?



Finish this phrase "Dress for the position you want...."

"...not the position you have"

On your first day at work, if someone walks into a room and you haven't met them, you should...

introduce yourself


If you are new to a job and a coworker tells you gossip about another coworker, what should you do?

Ignore them/avoid engaging in the gossip

If you finish your work early, what should you do?

Ask what else you can help with or find something else to do


If someone from work emails you over the weekend (in a Monday-Friday job), when should you respond?

on Monday


Describe appropriate work attire for an office setting

Business casual or business formal: suit, button down, skirt, dress pants, jeans, blouse, tie. NO ripped clothes, revealing clothes, inappropriate/offensive t shirts

Name 2 things other than what you say that can affect someone's impression of you.

How you dress, your body language, confidence, friendliness, looking someone in the eye, shaking their hand, having a bad attitude, rudeness


Who should you talk to if you have a problem with your boss?

Directly to your boss, respectfully. DO NOT complain about your boss to coworkers!

Name three things you can do during a meeting to show you are listening/engaged

Make eye contact, nod, take notes, repeat what someone says


What are the four main parts of a professional email?

Subject line, Greeting, Body, Signature

Name three clothing items that should be worn if working with power tools or heavy machinery

Gloves, goggles, hardhat, closed-toed shoes, helmet


If you don't make a good first impression, what should you do?

Apologize to the person and correct your behavior


What should you always do before a scheduled meeting with your boss?

Prepare for the meeting: have notes, review previous discussions, write any questions you have down, etc.


If you're not sure about the rules around something at work, name 3 places you can find the answer

Your boss, a coworker, Human Resources, your Employee Handbook


If you are responding to an email that makes you angry, name two things you should do

Wait to cool off before responding, ask someone to proofread your email