Time Management
Money, Money, Money
Dress For Success
Safety Rules!

If you are sick and have to miss work, what is the best thing to do?

A. Call in at least 2 hours before your shift starts

B. Call in after your shift starts

C. Don’t call - they will see you aren’t there

A. Call in at least 2 hours before your shift starts


When you give your money in exchange for something, that is called:

A. Saving

B. Spending

C. Earning

B. Spending


True or False: It is okay to wear dirty socks if you think nobody else can smell them.

False - always wear clean socks!


What do the three colors on a traffic light mean?

Red means stop.

Yellow means slow down/get ready to stop.

Green means go.


When is the best time to show up for work?

A. Right on time

B. 5-10 minutes early

C. 5-10 minutes late

B. 5-10 minutes early


A plan for how you spend and save money is called a ____________.



Pick two pairs of shoes that are acceptable to wear to a job interview.

3 and 4


True or False: If you are using a knife in the kitchen and you drop it, you should try and catch it so it doesn’t fall on the floor and get dirty.

False - quickly step back and let it fall on the floor. You can always wash it later. Safety first!


Which of these is NOT a good way to keep track of appointments?

A. Using a planner

B. Putting them into your phone

C. Writing them on your hand with a pen

D. Writing them on a whiteboard on your fridge

C. Writing them on your hand with a pen


When you eat a meal at a restaurant, what is the recommended tip to leave the server?

A. 2-5%

B. 15-20%

C. 40-50%

B. 15-20%


If you work in food service, should you keep your hair

A. Down and covering your face, or

B. Up and out of the way

B. Up and out of the way


What are 3 things this construction worker is wearing to be safe in the workplace?

Let's talk about what you came up with.


It is important to schedule time for:

A. School

B. Work

C. Social life (friends and family)

D. Personal time

E. All of the above

E. All of the above


If you borrow money with interest, that means:

A. You have to pay back exactly what you borrowed

B. You have to pay back what you borrowed, plus extra

C. You have to pay it back only if you want to

B. You have to pay back what you borrowed, plus extra


Name 2 pieces of clothing that would be acceptable to wear to a job interview


Name 1 piece of clothing you should never wear to a job interview.

Let's talk about what you came up with.


Name 3 reasons why you would call 911.

Let's talk about what you came up with.