Soft Skills
Customer Service Skills
Financial Skills
Cooking Skills

This is the skill you use when you are looking for different ways to solve or fix a problem ON YOUR OWN.  

What is initiative? 


These are non-verbal skills that you use with customers so they will be happy with your service. 

•Smiling •Eye contact •Personal grooming


This is what you use to pay for an item from the money that comes directly from your bank account. 

What is a debit card?


This kitchen tool is used for shredding cheese. 

What is a a grater? 


This is what you do when you want to improve your skills and performance at work.

Training, asking for help, asking for feedback, asking for performance review. 


A non-verbal communication skill that you use that is a gesture or a movement. 

What is smiling? What is eye contact? What is a handshake? what is nodding? 


Most customers will calm down when they are upset if you say this to them.

What is an apology? 


Food, clothing, shelter (rent/house), utilities, transportation, and medicine are part of this category when you are spending your money. 


What are your needs? 


This is what you do to heat up the water in the pot. 

What is boiling? 


This is an important skill to use when you stay out of people's personal business at work. 

What is setting boundaries?


The skill you use when your boss gives you constructive criticism or ideas on how to improve your work.   

What is being able to accept feedback? 


When you have an angry customer on the phone, this is one of the ways to handle this situation. .

What is staying calm? What is active listening to the customer? What is telling the customer that you will connect them with your manager to resolve the issue?


This is the term used when you spend  the same or almost the same amount of money from month to month. Examples: medicine, rent, mortgage, hydro/electrical bills, smartphone bills, Netflix. 

What is a fixed expense? 


When you prepare a salad, this is what you do to the vegetables.

What is chopping? 


The skill that you use to number or list tasks in order of importance from most urgent to least urgent. 

What is prioritizing your workload? 


The skill you use to show up on time at work for your shift.

What is being punctual? 


After a customer complains and then you help them solve their problem, this is the next step you could take to follow up. 

What is following up with customer to make sure they are happy and thank them for their business. 


These are some of the tips you should consider before you go shopping. 

What is making a list and sticking to it? What is eating before you shop so you won't go hungry? What is buying items on sale? What is checking your unit prices?  


This is what you wear to prevent burning yourself during cooking.

What are oven mits? 


This is when you lose focus on what needs to be done (your task or job)  or delay it.

What is procrastination? 


A skill you use to be able to work with other people at your job and workplace.

What is team work? 


After you make a mistake at work, typically, this is what you say to your co-worker and/or boss?

What is an apology? What is saying I am sorry? How can I learn to improve? 


This term refers to expense that change from month to month. Examples: Food, Entertainment, Clothing

What is a variable expense? 


This is what you have to wear when working at a restaurant to cover your hair.

What is a hairnet or head covering?


This is the skill and process used to organize and plan your day at work (and life).  

What is time management?