Define "Competition."
Answer: an event or process in which people try to win.
If someone says they feel tired after a long day, what can you infer about their day?
They likely had a busy or strenuous day.
What is the main idea of a story?
The central point or the most important concept the story conveys.
What are supporting details?
Facts, examples, or descriptions that explain or back up the main idea.
What were the climbers trying to accomplish?
To be the first free climbers to reach the top of ______ ________.
Explain what obstacle refers to.
Answer: an object that blocks your path so you have to go around it.
If a character in a story is frowning, what can you infer about their feelings?
They might be sad or upset.
How can you identify the main idea in a paragraph?
Look for the topic sentence or the sentence that summarizes the main point.
Why are supporting details important in a text?
They provide evidence and help clarify the main idea
What wall did they climb?
Dawn Wall
What is Disipline?
Answer:an area of knowledge or a field of study
What can you infer if a plant is wilting?
It may not be getting enough water or sunlight.
What is the main idea of a story about a hero saving a village?
The importance of bravery and helping others.
Identify a supporting detail for the main idea that exercise is important for health.
Regular exercise can reduce the risk of chronic diseases.
Why did Jorgeston almost give up?
He wasn't as experienced as Caldwell, and his fingers kept getting ripped open.
What is perserverance?
the act of trying to do something in spite of difficulties.
If a student is acting nervous before a test, what can you infer?
They might be worried about their performance.
Why is understanding the main idea important?
It helps you grasp the overall message and purpose of the text.
How can you find supporting details in a text?
Look for specific examples, statistics, or explanations that relate to the main idea.
Why do people participate in extreme sports?
They like the adrinaline rush and the risk.
What does the word Camaraderie mean?
Answer: a feeling of friendship that people have when they work together.
If a book's cover shows a stormy scene, what can you infer about the story?
The story may involve conflict or challenges
Give an example of a main idea from a book you've read.
Answers will vary; students should provide their own examples.
Give an example of how supporting details can change the understanding of a main idea.
Adding facts about air pollution can change the main idea about the importance of clean air.
What was the part of the climb called that Jorgeston kept getting his fingers cut open?
Razor's edge