Sentence Fragments/Using Captial Letters
Vocab/Target Words

Sequence of Events/Main Idea & Details
I helped my dad repaint the basement after it flooded. In this sentence, the word repaint means-
What is paint again
What is the best way to correct the sentence fragment below? The bear into the cave. a. The bear into the dark cave. b. The big bear into the cave. c. The running bear into the cave. d. The bear ran into the cave.
What is The bear ran into the cave.
After Justin was hiy by lightning, what was his most serious long-term problem? a. seizures b. unconsciousness c. memory lapses d. fear of thunderstorms
What is unconsciousness
Hurricane Floyd caused major flooding in many areas of the South. What does major mean?
What is very large or important.
What is the worst natural disaster in U.S. history? Many people think it happened in 1900. That is when a big storm hit Galveston, Texas. At least 8000 people died because of that storm. In those days, it was hard to predict te weather accurately. The Galveston storm came in from the Gulf of Mexico. But it was not like other gulf storms. On Saturday, September 8, the wind was very strong. Huge waves crashed onto the beach near the town of Galveston,, which is on an island. Then a big ship broke free of its anchr. Wind and waves pushd the ship into some bridges. THe bridges were crushed. Because of this, people could not escape. Soon, the ocean began to rise. It covered much of the town. Buildings were destroyed and peple were swept out to sea. The storm onl lasted two days, but it changed the town of Galveston forever. What happened just after the ocean began to rise?
What is Water covered the town.
Which word has a suffix that makes it a noun? ended slowly action faster
What is action
What is the best way to correct the sentence fragment below? Crosses the Golden Gate Bridge. a. Crosses the Golden Gate Bridge every morning. b. On his way to work, crosses the Golden Gate Bridg. c. Mr. Poduje crosses the Golden Gate Bridge every morning. d. Mr. Poduje, who crosses the Golden Gate Bridge every morning.
What is Mr. Poduje crosses the Golden Gate Bridge every morning.
More firefighters on the scne would have made the Storm King fire__________? a. increase in intensity b. less deadly c. spread to nearby mountains d. difficult to battle
What is less deadly
After being struck by lightning, Justin had a long recovery period. What is the definition of recovery?
What is the process of getting better/ to get back to normal.
What is the worst natural disaster in U.S. history? Many people think it happened in 1900. That is when a big storm hit Galveston, Texas. At least 8000 people died because of that storm. In those days, it was hard to predict te weather accurately. The Galveston storm came in from the Gulf of Mexico. But it was not like other gulf storms. On Saturday, September 8, the wind was very strong. Huge waves crashed onto the beach near the town of Galveston,, which is on an island. Then a big ship broke free of its anchr. Wind and waves pushd the ship into some bridges. THe bridges were crushed. Because of this, people could not escape. Soon, the ocean began to rise. It covered much of the town. Buildings were destroyed and peple were swept out to sea. The storm onl lasted two days, but it changed the town of Galveston forever. What happened first in the passage?
What is A strong wind blew.
Putting all of the best players on one team is unfair. In this sentence, the word unfair means-
What is not fair.
What is the subject of the below sentence? I spent Sunday in the rowboat with Grandpa.
What is I.
What kind of estruction does a wildfire cause? a. It shakes the ground under houses and destroys them. b. It blows houses over and causes floods. c. It strikes people at their jobs and knocks them unconscious. d. It spreads deadly flames that destroy homes and forests.
What is It spreads deadly flames that destroy homes and forest.
If you hear a severe storm warning on the news, you wait for more information. What is the definition of severe?
What is very bad or serious.
Which sentence from the text has a sequence signal word? a. Wind and waves pushed the ship into some bridges. b. It was no like other storms, however. c. Because of this, people could not escape. d. Then a big ship broke free of its anchor.
What is Then a big ship broke free f its anchor.
To which word could you add the suffix -ion to form a noun? create green noisy write
What is creation
Choose the sentence with correct capitalization. a. Let's go swimming. b. no one is at home. c. Are you hungry Now? d. don't forget your coat.
What is Let's go swimming.
When a hurricane is coming, experts usually tell people who live near the coast to ________________. a. stay at home b. evacuate their homes c. go to a boat to stay safe d. get ito small, heat-resistant shelters
What is evacuate their homes.
Which target word completes the below sentence: Educating people about fire______ can stop the _______of forests. a. prevent,destroy b. prevented, destroyed c. prevention, destruction d. preventer, destroyer
What is prevention and destruction.
What is the main idea of The Great Galveston Storm? a. The waves were strong enough to break a big ship free. b. People could ot accurately preict weather in 1900. c. In 1900, a powerful storm destroyed Galveston, Texas. d. A ship crushd the bridges near Galveston.
What is In 1900, a powerful storm destroyed Galveston, Texas.
Which word has a suffix that makes it a noun? elect elected elects election
What is election
Which sentence uses correct capitalization? a. I have never been to china. b. My Parents were born in Shanghai. c. Jen spent a month in Beijing. d. My Uncle also lives there.
What is Jen spent a month in Beijing.
A hurricane is most likely to happen_____________. a. on tall mountains b. near an ocean c. in forests d. at the Earth's poles
What is near an ocean.
Degrees of temperature tell how hot or cold it is. What does the target word degree mean?
What is a unit of measurement.
Many people think the Great Galveston Storm was America's worst natural disaster because - a. at least 8000 people died b. it came in from the Gulf of Mexco c. a ship broke free of its anchor d. the town was flooded
What is at least 8000 peole died.