Rosenshine’s Principles
Mindjoy App
Workshop Content Recap
Fun & Engaging Questions

 Which Rosenshine principle involves checking student understanding throughout the lesson?

Check Understanding


What is the primary function of the Mindjoy app for teachers?

To create interactive courses and track student progress.


 In the second workshop, teachers played the role of students and learned to make what?

Homemade playdough


What app can teachers use to create fun, competitive quizzes to assess student understanding?

Kahoot, Blooket, Wordwall...


Breaking down content into smaller chunks is which principle? 

Small steps 


What type of data can teachers access through Mindjoy to monitor student progress?

Performance analytics, participation levels, and completion rates.


How did the activity of making playdough connect to the principles of effective teaching?

It allowed teachers to experience hands-on learning and understand the importance of clear instructions and practice.


What strategy can teachers use to make reviewing for tests more fun and engaging through technology?

Creating a “Jeopardy”-style quiz game using tools like Quizizz or Kahoot!


Which Rosenshine principle suggests that students should have multiple opportunities for practice and feedback?

Provide Guided Practice


Which feature in Mindjoy helps teachers personalize learning experiences for students?

Customizable course content and adaptive learning paths.


During the workshop, teachers took on the role of students to better understand the importance of what?

Experiencing learning from the student's perspective.


How does using games like Kahoot! in the classroom align with Rosenshine’s principles?

It increases student engagement, allows for quick assessment of understanding, and provides immediate feedback.