Working for Peace through Legacies of War: The Case of Vietnam
Great Decisions
21st Century Money: Dollars to Digital Currencies
Insecurity in China's Neighborhood
Current Events

While CSIS characterizes the U.S.-Vietnam relationship as continuing to strengthen, the potential of U.S. sanctions remains as long as Vietnam continues to acquire military equipment from which country?

A. China 

B. Iran

C. Russia

D. Ukraine


What is a supply chain?

A. It describes the steps necessary to bring a product or service to a customer

B. Comprises all business activities which increase the value of the product or service

C. It describes the goods and services being moved from the end-user back to the seller and manufacturer

D. A storage method where products are picked from one side and can be replenished on the opposite side


What is one difference between cryptocurrency and digital currency?

  1. Cryptocurrency is less stable, less regulated, yet more transparent than digital currency

  2. Digital currency offers better security than cryptocurrency

  3. Cryptocurrency is the electronic version of traditional money rather than encryption-secured values

  4. Cryptocurrency is more regulated and transparent than digital currency


What is “Wolf Warrior” Diplomacy?

A. A disinformation campaign lead by the Chinese government to increase Chinese sympathy abroad

B. A practice where Chinese diplomats are to be vocal and push back against perceived insults

C. A doctrine of letting Chinese diplomats have more autonomy in their activities abroad

D. A doctrine of spreading the Chinese government style to other developing countries


Ukraine gained long-waited Independence from the Soviet Union in which year?

A. 1990

B. 1989

C. 1991

D. 1993


In what year did the U.S. and Vietnam officially normalize relations?

A. 1980

B. 1985

C. 1990

D. 1995


What is the name of this economic policy that encourages the domestic government to protect domestic industries by controlling tariffs and setting restrictions on trade?

A. Neo-mercantilism

B. Developmentalism

C. Mercantilism

D. Protectionism


All of the following statements regarding blockchain security are true EXCEPT…?

A. It is a decentralized security system that links data chunks together to create an irreversible timeline

B. Blockchains are hard to tamper with, but not impossible to hack and exploit

C. Blockchain is also known as distributed ledger technology (DLT)

D. Blockchains can only be changed by users in private blockchains, not public


In the Chinese language, the word for China, “zhong guo” means THIS and refers to all that lies between heaven and earth.

A. “Chosen Homeland”

B. “Divine Mandate”

C. “Middle Kingdom”

D. “Manifest Destiny”


The U.S. Government said it would use half of THIS country’s frozen bank assets, about $7 billion, for humanitarian aid and to satisfy outstanding 9/11 lawsuits

A. Iran

B. Iraq

C. Afghanistan

D. Syria


The Vietnam Association for Victims of Agent Orange/Dioxin estimates that approximately how many Vietnamese were directly exposed to Agent Orange?

A. Less than 1 million

B. Between 2.1 million and 4.8 million

C. Between 6.2 and 8.4 million

D. More than 10 million


What are Shi’as and Sunnis?

A. Shi’as believe in leadership that is vested in the family of the Prophet, meanwhile, Sunnis believe that the community should choose its own leader

B. Sunnis only live in the Levant region

C. Sunni Muslims are those who believe that the “family of the house” brings you closer to God, while the Shiite Muslims believe there is “a way” where qualified individuals can become religious leaders

D. No difference


Why do some criminals prefer the use of cryptocurrency instead of traditional banking?

A. Cryptocurrency is untraceable, allowing for transactions and donations to be made without risk of being tracked

B. Traditional banking and fiat currencies are more at risk of being stopped or tracked when transferring large funds

C. Cryptocurrency has a faster processing time, especially for cross-country transactions

D. Cryptocurrencies is safer since its records are unlikely to be tampered with


What are American Freedom of Navigation Operations (FONOPS) and what is their purpose in the South China Sea?

A. They are military operations to reinforce free maritime navigation and to challenge illegal Chinese claims

B. They are operations used to reinforce internationally recognized territories and to seize islands claimed by China

C. They are annual military exercises hosted by the U.S. and its allies in the Pacific to deter China

D. They are operations designed to conduct reconnaissance on Chinese military activities


Representatives of 175 nations agreed on March 2,2022 to begin writing a global treaty that would restrict the explosive growth of _____________ .

A. drug trafficking

B. handguns

C. online misinformation

D. plastic pollution


What is not stated by USIP as one of the factors complicating the practice of peace and conflict diplomacy?

A. Growing space for civil society

B. Rising nationalism and populism

C. Sharpening U.S.-China rivalry

D. Weakening liberal international order


The Arab Gulf States remained opposed to recognition of Israel over the Palestinian conflict until August 2020 when a surprise announcement was made that THESE two Gulf nations agreed to recognize Israel in the “Abraham Accord”?

A. Bahrain and Kuwait

B. UAE and Bahrain

C. Oman and UAE

D. Saudi Arabia and Bahrain


What is technology neutrality?

A. Policies should not favor one technology, and should provide equal market opportunities

B. Policymakers should ensure that technology remains neutral and ban technologies that favor certain actors (like Bitcoin and criminals)

C. A belief that there should be equal access to technology by all

D. A bill banning Bitcoin introduced in 2016


What is unique about the People’s Liberation Army (PLA)?

A. The PLA serves as the armed wing of the CCP, not as the national army of China

B. The PLA encompasses all maritime, ground, and air forces

C. The PLA has direct control over the police forces of China, allowing it to crack down on civilians

D. The PLA plays an active role in domestic politics and is a key player in policymaking


Both Russian and American officials downplayed the possibility of a diplomatic solution to Moscow’s threat of a Ukrainian invasion in upcoming talks. Meanwhile, American air forces have been conducting operations over Ukraine and naval forces have sailed in THIS adjacent body of water.

A. Baltic Sea

B. Mediterranean Sea

C. Black Sea

D. Caspian Sea


This U.S.-funded program will launch in Vietnam in 2022 after 17 years of negotiations

A. AmeriCorps

B. Fulbright Fellows

C. International Visitors Leadership Program

D. Peace Corps


Which predecessor to the European Union had the UK agreed to join?

A. The European Coal and Steel Community (ECSC)

B. The European Economic Council (EEC)

C. The Euro Commission

D. The Schengen Agreement


What is a driver of the Russian development of the Digital Ruble?

A. Digital currency is far more efficient than fiat currency, which will help stimulate the stagnating Russian economy

B. Russia hopes to outcompete and clamp down on other digital and cryptocurrencies

C. Sanctioned Russian banks hope to use blockchain technology to evade future sanctions

D. Russia hopes to improve the security of the ruble through blockchain technology


What is the basis for the definition of China’s claim to areas of the South China Sea extending hundreds of miles south and east of its most southerly province?

A. “Treaty of Peking”

B. UN Convention on Law of the Sea

C. “Nine-Dash Line”

D. ASEAN Protocol


The Africa Cup of Nations, or AFCON, is a biennial tournament of THIS sport that has brought 24 African teams to Cameroon. It also highlighted mismanagement in the country’s sports authority, the Covid battle and the civil war between Francophone and Anglophone populations

A. Golf

B. Football

C. Tennis 

D. Cricket